2940 air adjust system information – Yetter 2940 Short Floating Air Adjust Residue Manager User Manual
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The 2940 Air Adjust Residue Manager control system consists of five primary
components and kits. These parts include; the Cab Controller, the Air Compressor
Assembly, Residue Manager Kit, Tank Mounting Kit and the necessary Wires, Air Lines,
and Fittings.
CAB CONTROLLER____________________________________________________________
The Cab Controller will use the RAM mount
provided for installation in cab. Make
adjustments quickly and accurately during
planting with the cab controller.
Adjust up and down pressure to create the ideal
“ride” or floating position for residue managers.
Lift and down pressure settings can be adjusted
independently. Down pressure can be increased
to fix row cleaner in the rigid position. Five
presets can be programmed within the controller
for quick changes. Residue Managers can be
raised as needed with a push of a button.
AIR COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY_________________________________________________
2940 Air Adjust requires a stable air supply
source that can provide 105 psi of clean, dry
air. The ‘clean, dry air’ is a key component of
the air supply, moisture within the air supply
can shorten the life-cycle of the system.