Tuff Country 14040 - Hummer H3 4 lift kit User Manual
Page 5

Photo # 3
14. Working on the driver side, loosen but do not remove
the stock bolt and nut that connects the stock upper control
arm ball joint to the stock steering knuckle. For now, leave
the stock upper control arm attached to the stock knuckle.
15. Working on the driver side, loosen but do not remove
the stock nut that connects the stock lower control arm ball
joint to the stock steering knuckle. Carefully break the stock
taper by striking the stock knuckle with a hammer. Special
note: Take special care not to damage the stock lower
control arm ball joint of rip the stock location control
arm ball joint dust boot. For now, leave the stock lower
control arm attached to the stock knuckle. We want to just
break the stock taper for now.
16. Working on the driver side, move back to the stock bolt
and nut holding the stock upper control arm ball joint to the
stock knuckle. Save the stock bolt and nut for later
re-installation. Also, remove the lower nut holding the lower
control arm ball joint to the stock knuckle. Save the stock
lower ball joint nut for later re-installation. Carefully remove
the stock hub assembly and the stock steering knuckle
from the stock location and set aside for later instructions.
17. Working on the driver side, remove the stock front and
rear mounting hardware that connects the stock lower con-
trol arm to the stock location. Set the stock lower control
arm and the stock mounting hardware aside for later
18. Repeat step’s 10 — 17 on the passenger side.
19. Place a pair of hydraulic floor jacks under the front
differential. Place one on the driver side and one on the
passenger side. Carefully raise up on both hydraulic floor
jacks until they make contact with the front differential.
20. With the front differential supported by the hydraulic
floor jacks, remove the stock mounting hardware that
connects the rear portion of the front differential to the stock
rear cross member. Save the stock hardware for later
21. Working on the driver side, remove the 2 stock bolts
that connect the stock rear cross member into the stock
location. Repeat procedure on the passenger side. Save
the stock hardware for later re-installation. The stock rear
cross member may be discarded.
22. Working on the driver side, remove the stock bolt that
connects the stock front differential to the bottom side of
the stock frame rail. The stock hardware may be discarded.
Repeat procedure on the passenger side.
Photo # 4
23. Locate the stock driver side and passenger side
knuckles that were removed in step # 16. Also, locate the
new driver side and passenger side knuckle. Working on
the stock driver side knuckle, remove the (3) stock bolts
that connects the stock hub bearing to the stock knuckle.
Save the (3) stock bolts for later re-installation. Remove the
stock hub bearing from the stock knuckle and save.
Special note: A slight blow from a rubber mallet will
make removal easier. The stock knuckle may be discard-
ed. Install the stock hub bearing to the new driver side
knuckle and secure using the (3) stock bolts that were
removed earlier in this step. Make sure to use thread
locker or lock tite and torque to 80 ft lbs. Repeat procedure
on the passenger side stock and new knuckle.
Photo # 5 / stock knuckle
Photo # 6 / hub bearing removal
Photo # 7 / new knuckle
24. Working on the front portion of the driver side front
lower control arm pocket, measure 1 1/2” from the center of
the lower control arm mounting location towards the inside
of the vehicle and scribe a mark. On the rear portion of the
driver side front lower control arm pocket, measure 1 1/2”
from the center of the lower control arm mounting location
towards the inside of the vehicle and scribe a mark.
Carefully cut along the lines that were scribed earlier in this
step. Then cut the excess lower control arm pocket out so
that the new front cross member will fit properly into the
stock lower control arm pocket. Special note: Tuff
Country EZ-Ride Suspension highly recommends not
using a torch when performing this step. A cut off
wheel is recommended. Repeat procedure on the pas-
senger side front lower control arm pocket.
Photo # 8
Photo # 9
Photo # 10
25. Locate the new front cross member. Locate (2) 5/8” x 4
1/2” bolts, (4) 9/16” USS flat washers and (2) 5/8” unitorque
nuts from hardware bag 14040NB. Install the new front
cross member to the driver and passenger side stock lower
control arm pockets and secure using the new 5/8” x 4 1/2”
bolts and hardware. Do not tighten at this point.
Photo # 11 / driver side shown
26. Locate the new rear cross member. Also, locate (2)
pound in sert fittings from hardware bag 14040PL. Insert
the new pound in sert fitting into each end of the new rear
cross member. Special note: Take special care not to
damage the pound in sert fittings during installation.
Photo # 12
27. Locate (4) PB2456 poly bushings from hardware bag
14040PL. Also, locate (2) S10115 sleeves from hardware
bag 14040SL. Insert the new poly bushings and sleeves
into the new rear cross member. Special note: Make sure
to use a lithium or moly base grease prior to inserting
the new bushings and sleeves into the new rear cross
member. This will increase the life of the bushing as
well as prevent squeaking. Installer note: It is