Tuff Country 14040 - Hummer H3 4 lift kit User Manual
Page 4

Please follow instructions carefully:
Before installation begins, measure from the center of
the hub, to the bottom of the fender well, and record
measurements below.
Pre-installation measurements:
Driver side front:_______________________________
Passenger side front:___________________________
Driver side rear:________________________________
Passenger side rear:____________________________
At the end of the installation take the same measure-
ments and compare to the pre-installation measure-
Post installation measurements:
Driver side front:______________________________
Passenger side front:__________________________
Driver side rear:_______________________________
Passenger side rear:___________________________
Front end installation:
1. To begin installation, block the rear tires of the vehicle so
that the vehicle is stable and can’t roll backwards. Safely lift
the front of the vehicle and support the frame with a pair of
jack stands. Place a jack stand on both the driver and the
passenger side. Next, remove the front wheels and tires
from both sides.
2. Working on the front of the vehicle, remove the stock
upper front skid plate from the stock location. Save the
stock upper skid plate and the hardware for later re-instal-
3. Place the stock upper front skid plate on a work bench
with the “H3” logo facing upwards. Working on the driver
side lower corner, measure 1 1/2” from the side edge of the
skid plate towards the center and scribe a mark. Next,
measure 2 1/4” from the bottom edge of the skid plate
towards the center and scribe a mark.
4. Working on the passenger side lower corner, measure 1
1/2” from the side edge of the skid plate towards the center
and scribe a mark. Next, measure 3 1/4” from the bottom
edge of the skid plate towards the center and scribe a
5. Using a die grinder, carefully cut out each corner of the
stock skid plate where the marks were scribed in steps 3
and 4.
Photo # 1
6. Locate the stock front skid plate hardware that was
removed in step # 2. Install the modified stock skid plate
back into the stock location using the stock hardware.
Make sure to use thread locker or lock tite and torque
to 18 ft lbs.
7. Working on the driver side, remove the stock shock from
the stock location. The stock shock and stock upper mount-
ing hardware may be discarded. Save the stock lower
mounting hardware for later re-installation. Special note:
New longer front shocks are needed after this
suspension system has been installed and the front
shocks need to be ordered as a separate part #. If you
have not already ordered your front shocks, please feel
free to contact Tuff Country or your local Tuff Country
dealer and order your front shocks. Tuff Country
recommends installing a 20” fully extended nitrogen
gas shock in the front. Repeat procedure on the
passenger side.
8. Working on the driver side, remove the torsion bar
adjusting bolt and torsion bar key and set aside for later
re-installation. Special note: Mark both torsion bars
before removal so that they can be re-installed back
into the same location. Example: Driver vs. Passenger
and front vs. rear. Remove the stock torsion bar from the
stock location and set aside for later re-installation. Repeat
procedure on the passenger side.
9. Working on the driver side, remove the stock front sway
bar end link from the stock location. The stock sway bar
end link may be discarded. Repeat procedure on the
passenger side.
10. Working on the driver side, remove the stock nut that
connects the stock outer tie rod ball joint to the stock
steering knuckle. Set the stock nut aside for later
re-installation. Carefully break the stock taper on the stock
outer tie rod ball joint and remove the stock outer tie rod
from the stock knuckle. Special note: Take special care
not to rip of tear the stock outer tie rod ball joint dust
11. Working on the driver side, locate the stock ABS line
quick disconnect located above the stock upper control
arm. Disconnect the ABS lines from each other. Also,
disconnect the stock ABS line from any other mounting
points. Also, at this time, remove the stock brake line
bracket that attaches to the stock upper control arm. Save
the stock hardware for later re-installation.
12. Working on the driver side, remove the (2) stock bolts
that connect the stock brake caliper to the stock knuckle.
Save the stock hardware for later re-installation. Using
some tie wire, carefully tie the stock brake caliper up and
out of the way in the stock fender well. Also, at this time,
remove the stock rotor and set the stock rotor aside for later
Photo # 2
13. Working on the driver side, remove the stock CV axle
nut that connects the stock CV axle to the stock hub
assembly. Set the stock CV axle nut aside for later