Search within category – Telenav for Cincinnati Bell Supported Devices: v5.1 for BlackBerry smartphones Users Guide User Manual

Page 35

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Search Within Category

1. Highlight

Search Within Category and click the trackball to

expose the menu.

2. In the Search Within screen, you can narrow down your search

by selecting from the appropriate category. Click on the plus
(+) signs to expand a category and the minus (-) sign to
collapse it. The “Any” choice means any business in that
particular category.

3. After you choose a category, a list of nearby results will be

displayed in order of closest distance. Make a selection from
the list.

4. The Results screen appears with details about your selection.

The screen shows: a) the name of the business, b) the
distance from the search point, c) the street address, and
d) the phone number (if available).