Address – speak it – Telenav for Cincinnati Bell Supported Devices: v5.2 for Windows Mobile smartphones Users Guide User Manual

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Address – Speak It

To enter an address by speaking, do the following steps:

1. From the Drive To menu, select Address or Intersection.

2. Select the Speak It option. This places a call to the TeleNav Speak It


3. Follow the voice prompts to dictate an address.

4. You



End to end the call or wait for the TeleNav GPS

Navigator voice dialing system to terminate. After the call, TeleNav is
automatically re-launched, and the Trip Confirmation screen appears
with the countdown to get your driving directions.

The location you entered by speaking will also appear at the top of your
Recent Places list. You may need to choose “Refresh Recent Places” to
pull in the new address.

The following section contains an example of what you might hear and say when using the Speak It option for
entering an address.

TeleNav prompt> Welcome to TeleNav! Let’s get your destination. Is it a street address, an intersection, or
an airport?

Your response> Street Address

TeleNav prompt> OK, Tell me the 5 digit ZIP code, or the city and state, like Los Angeles, California.

Your response> Arlington, Texas

TeleNav prompt> I heard Arlington, Texas. Say GO BACK if this is not correct. Say the street
including both the number and name, like 422 Main Street. It can also be a highway.

Your response> 1620 Oak Street

TeleNav prompt> I heard 1620 Oak Street. Say GO BACK if this is not correct. Great, your
destination has been entered: 1620 Oak Street, Arlington, Texas 75210. Would you like to enter another?

Your response> Silence (assuming that 1620 was correct)

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