Sper Scientific 840017 Laser Power Meter User Manual
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Insert the probe’s plug into the Photosensor Input and uncover the Photo-
sensor Head.
Zero Adjustment: Slide the Wavelength Selector to CAL ADJ. Turn the
Optical Power Selector to 1 mW. If the unit does not indicate a zero read-
ing, use a small screwdriver to turn the Zero Adjustment until the needle
rests on “0”.
Wavelength Selector: There are 4 settings: ,635nm and 650nm for visible
beams, 830nm for ultra red beams, and CAL ADJ. Select the appropriate
setting for your application.
If the beam wavelength is other than 635nm, 650nm or ;830nm, slide the
Wavelength Selector to CAL ADJ position and adjust the red nm Fine-
Tuner wheel to obtain your reading. The meter is calibrated to 635nm,
650nm and 830nm. Readings obtained using the CAL ADJ setting are for
only - accuracy is not guaranteed.
Optical power selector: There are 4 settings, 0.3mW, 1mW, 3mW, and
5mW. Start with 5mW and turn the selector counter clockwise to locate the
setting with the highest accuracy for your application.
The mW indicator panel displays the reading. There are three scales on
the panel. The 0.3mW setting uses the 3mW scale, but the actual measure-
ment is 1/10th of reading (divide results by 10).
Direct the laser beam in a straight line onto the center of the Photosensor
Head. Place the laser light source the same distance as it would be during
use. For example, if the laser beam is normally directed onto an object that
is 3 inches away, place the Photosensor Head 3 inches from the laser light
source. When measuring ultrared laser light, move the laser slightly while
focusing on the Photosensor Head until you receive the highest readout.
Note: When measuring a weak beam in a darkened environment, an ambi-
ent light source (such as a desk lamp) can cause measurement errors.