Troubleshooting guide – Powerwinch Deck Mate 25 User Manual
Page 14

Operating Instructions and Replacement Parts List
Deckmate 25 Freefall Pontoon Windlass
Possible Causes
Corrective Action
Windlass does not operate.
1. Disconnected wires, bad circuit
breaker, bad switch.
1. Start by checking the wiring at the battery.
Bypass the circuit breaker and test the winch.
If the winch operates, replace the circuit
2. Check wiring insulation for worn or bare
spots that may be causing a short.
3. Check all connections for tightness.
The windlass runs but will
not retrieve rope.
1. Wave springs on locking gear are
1. Replace wave springs and push nut.
Anchor tends to free fall too
quickly and the rope gets
tangled up on the rope spool.
1. The drag gear spring and washers
are worn.
1. Replace the washers and drag gear spring.
Troubleshooting Guide
Limited Warranty
A. This Limited Warranty is given by the Pow er winch Di vi sion of the Scott Fetzer Com pa ny (the “Com pa ny”) to the orig i nal purchaser (the
“Purchaser”) of a Pow er winch Prod uct (the “Product”) spec i fied in this man u al. This Limited War ran ty is not trans fer able to any other party.
B. Responsibilities of the Company under this Limited Warranty:
1. Re pair or replace (at the discretion of the Com pa ny) any part or parts of the Prod uct found by the Com pa ny to be defective within a two (2)
year period from the date of pur chase.
2. The Company will pay the transportation charge for ship ment back to the Purchaser of any Prod uct re ceived for legitimate War ran ty re pair.
C. Responsibilities of the Purchaser under this Limited War ran ty:
1. Pur chas er will have to show dated proof of pur chase to qualify for service under the pro vi sions of the Limited Warranty.
2. Promptly notify the Seller or the Com pa ny of any claim hereunder.
3. At the Option of the Company, return the Product to the Company for inspection. Au tho ri za tion must be given pri or to any Prod uct re turn.
Call the Company at 1-800-243-3097 or write the Com pa ny at 2145 West 6th Street, Broomfield, CO 80020 for authorization and com plete
in struc tions on how to return the Prod uct di rect ly to the Com pa ny.
4. Use reasonable care in maintenance, op er a tion, use and storage of the Product in ac cor dance with the in struc tions con tained in the Own er’s
Man u al.
5. Have Warranty work performed by a deal er or rep re sen ta tive ap proved by the Com pa ny.
6. Except as noted in B.2., transportation charg es are the re spon si bil i ty of the Pur chas er.
D. This Limited Warranty covers:
1. Defects in workmanship or materials.
2. Any part or parts of the Product sold or man u fac tured by the Com pa ny.
E. This Limited Warranty does not cover:
1. Any failure that results from improper in stal la tion of the Product.
2. Any failure that results from accident, Pur chas er’s abuse, neglect, modification, improper main te nance, or fail ure to operate and use the
Product in ac cor dance with the in struc tions pro vid ed in the Own er’s Man u al sup plied with the Prod uct.
F. There is no other express war ran ty. Im plied war ran ties, in clud ing those of mer chant abil i ty and fit ness for a par tic u lar pur pose, are lim ited to one
(1) year from date of pur chase. This is the ex clu sive rem edy and any liability for any and all in ci den tal or con se quen tial dam ag es or ex pens es
what so ev er is ex clud ed.
Some states do not allow lim i ta tions on how long an implied war ran ty lasts, or do not allow ex clu sion or limitation of in ci den tal or con se quen tial
dam ag es, the above lim i ta tions may not apply to you. This Lim it ed Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights
which vary from state to state.