MJM Yachts 40z Express User Manual
Page 8

Spend time reviewing where your safety equipment is and how it functions BEFORE you need it.
Remember, the best way to protect yourself and others from accidents is to eliminate potential
causes of accidents before they occur. Good seamanship and common sense go a long way in
this endeavor. [See Figure 14.1]
Here is a safety checklist derived in part from the USCG Vessel Check List. State Regulations
may vary:
A wearable USCG approved personal flotation device (life-jacket) must be provided for each
person aboard. On the 40z, these can be types I, II, III or V. Also, one type IV throwable PFD
must be immediately available for use.
Children under 13 years of age are required to wear a USCG life jacket that fits when underway
unless they are in an enclosed cabin or belowdecks.
Visual Distress Signals (VDS)
You must carry VDS’s aboard. If operating between sunset and sunrise, they must be suitable for
night use and be within the age dates marked on the side of the flares. A minimum of 3 day/night
use combination pyrotechnic flares are required. For a list of USCG approved devices, see the
USCG recreational checklist.
Fire Extinguisher
In addition to the automatic fire suppression system fitted in the engine space, you are required to
carry at least one type B-1 extinguisher aboard, which is located outboard of the starboard helm
seat. This should be checked regularly.
Especially if operating offshore, an EPIRB (electronic position indicating radio beacon) is
Ships Papers & Registration
You should carry the vessel’s registration papers and number plate.
Pollution Regulation Plaques
5”x8” Oil Discharge Plaque and a 4”x9” Waste Discharge Placard should be fixed were visible.
Charts & Light Lists
Charts, light lists and a USCG required copy of the Inland “Rules of the Road” Navigation Rules
Horn or Whistle
Recommended to signal intentions or signal position. For instance, when in a narrow channel or
the Intracoastal Waterway: To signal which side of another boat you will pass on, blow 1 blast if
you are passing to their starboard side and 2 blasts if passing on their port side. The Kahlenburg
horn has a repetitive automatic fog signal that can be activated for either underway or at anchor.
Life Raft
If you plan to be coastal cruising out of sight of land, it is prudent to carry a Coastal Life Raft
which come in compact sizes that can be stored in one of the aft cockpit lockers.
Heaving Line
These floating lines are available and handy to have ready in case of emergency or to simply trail
behind the boat when swimming, .with the end attached to one of the stern cleats.
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