MJM Yachts 40z Express User Manual
Page 31

Hot Water If a second shore-power receptacle is not available and you have not operated the
boat recently; there won’t be any hot water from the engine’s heat exchanger. Simply turn ON the
Transfer switch of Shore 2, flick the hot water breaker on, wait 15 minutes and your shower will
be ready. The above method can also be used to power the Air Conditioners, but beware that it
will be more likely to overload the system if you are trying to use Air Conditioners and Hot Water
at the same time.
6.3 AC GENERATOR (Option) See Northern Lights M673L3 6 KW 60 Hz 1800 RPM
Generator Operating Manual. Refer to the manufacturer's manual for more information regarding
the generator.
Break-In Period Change engine oil and filter at 50 hours and again at 100 hours. Oil
consumption is greater until piston rings are seated. Maintain at least a 75% load on the
generator for the first 100 hours, varying the load to help seat the rings.
Pre-Start Checks Refer to diagrams
of genset on next page.
(1) Check coolant is 1” below filler cap
(2) Check oil at dipstick
(3) Open fuel line lever over fuel tank.
(4) Close the raw water seacock, check
& clean sea strainer & reopen the
(5) Be sure that the AC Circuit Breaker
and AVR Circuit Breaker are both in the
“Up” position
(5) Turn ON battery switch for
Generator. Keep ON while running,
otherwise, the battery-charging
regulator could die.
(6) Turn OFF all AC Panel 1&2 switches/breakers, including Generator double-handled switch on
top of AC Panels 1. You don’t want to start the generator with any load.
(7) Turn OFF the Inverter Function on the Mastervolt MICC Panel.
PREHEAT: On the Northern Lights Generator Control Panel on the face of the piloting console
START: Then, depress START switch
while continuing to depress PREHEAT
switch. When generator starts, release
both switches. Do not crank for more than
20 seconds at a time. Allow the generator
to run for about 15 seconds until LED
green light appears next to double-switch
“Generator” on AC 1 Panel indicating that
the panel is receiving electric current.
(1) Turn ON double Generator Selector
switch and
(2) Turn ON Charger/Inverter Breaker on
AC Panel 1. There is a delay until Volts
(about 115) register in the digital display
over AC-1.
(3) Turn ON the double-transfer switch for AC Panel 2.
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depress PREHEAT switch ON for 10-20 seconds to activate control system