Manley СORE REFERENCE CHANNEL STRIP - MCORE026 and up 7/2014 User Manual
Page 11

12. Questions
Q: “Where's the -20dB pad switch?”
Because the input attenuator precedes the tube gain stage, the input level control acts as a
variable pad. It can be used to either reduce the level of a hot input signal, or to simply set
the overall gain of the preamp.
Q: “Sometimes I hear distortion in the peak limiter!”
To allow for maximum creativity, the release time of the limiter was intentionally allowed to
operate over a wide range. This means that with some signals, when the release time is set to
the fastest setting some audible distortion may be created. But not to worry, if this distortion
is not desired, just turn the release time knob counter-clockwise and slow down the release
time. The sound of a super-fast release time can be used as a creative effect. Try it on vocals or
drums! Try it on anything. You won’t damage any circuitry!
Go to and read our extensive FAQ for more information about the care and
feeding of vacuum tubes!
13. Notice
This manual provides general and technical information for use, installation, and operating
instructions for the Manley CORE Reference Channel Strip.
Manley Laboratories, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other
information contained in this publication without prior notice. Manley Laboratories, Inc. shall not
be liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages in
connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
No statement contained in this publication, including statements regarding suitability or
performance of products shall be considered a warranty by Manley Laboratories, Inc. for any
purpose or give rise to any liability of Manley Laboratories, Inc.
© 2014 COPYRIGHT Manley Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.
This manual and any associated artwork, product designs, and design concepts are subject to
copyright protection. No part of this document may be produced, in any form, without prior
written permission of Manley Laboratories, Inc.
CORE , ELOP , VOXBOX , MANLEY and the Manley Laboratories, Inc. logo are trademarks of
Manley Laboratories, Inc.