Page 7

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The TNT was getting interesting. We now had a tube

preamp from the SLAM! on one side plus two solid

state preamps working together on the other side, and

each of those 3 circuits had a unique sound or subtle

flavor yet there was some common theme or style.

The tube channel is based on a JFET / Vacuum Tube

Triode cascode circuit that is quite unusual in that it

is a blend of old and new components. The cascoded

combination allows for high gain, low noise, and low

distortion without using negative feedback.

On the solid state channel, one of the preamps also

uses JFETs in a cascode topology. The high impedance

circuit operates in the voltage mode. The ideal voltage

amplifier would have infinite input impedance and

the current flow would be zero. We use a paralleled

cascaded ultra-low-noise FET / op-amp circuit and the

TNT requires a pair of those hybrids for balancing (8

discrete matched FETs). There are a few interesting

twists here too. When phantom power is engaged,

it uses the conventional 6.8 kOhm phantom power

resistors plus the usual DC blocking capacitors. So

even if the impedance switch is set to 2 Meg Ohms,

the phantom circuit limits the impedance down to

about 14 kOhms. But if phantom is turned off, TNT

removes those resistors (rather than switching them

to ground, as is standard procedure) and bypasses

the DC blocking caps, so that you truly have 2 meg

input impedance and DC coupling restored. And no

free lunch here either. Compared to the current mode

amplifier, the voltage mode amplifier typically tends to

have opposite characteristics in terms of its strengths

and weaknesses.

The low impedance circuit is based on a special

Lundahl transformer designed to operate in the current

mode. This allows the transformer to work down to

near DC yet be very small physically. This was paired

with an ultra-low noise, ultra-low distortion op-amp

that won in our listening tests.

By combining the JFET and Current mode preamps we

were able to create a variable impedance that uniquely

sensed and amplified both voltage and current. And

this in turn provided much better gain consistency

while usually sounding a bit better than either

approach alone. In other words the volume didn’t

jump or shift as the impedance control was changed

unlike most (or all) other approaches. Some switch

transformer taps, but transformer frequency response

is very source dependent. And some preamps had 20

dB gain changes as the impedance knob was adjusted.

Now that users can accurately hear and compare

the effect of variable impedance without huge gain

changes and without significant frequency response

changes, it becomes truly interesting to hear what

effects there are. In most cases these effects are not

life changing. Even where low impedance settings

seem to affect the damping or tightness a dynamic or

ribbon mic might exhibit, one then may be faced with

an unfamiliar sound from a familiar mic. This may be

a good thing sometimes, but often one picks a familiar

mic for its familiar sound. And one may hear similarly

questionable highs in the high impedance settings.

One might hear excess sibilance or harshness that may

be due more to cables and cable distance than anything

else. In the end, one may be most comfortable with the

two middle settings of 600 and 2400 as the idea of

extreme impedances gradually lose appeal.

Maybe the TNT might be viewed as a bit of a myth-

buster in regards to “variable impedance”. Yes, it is

sometimes useful, but can often be subtle - not exactly

the most important feature for a mic preamp.

And then the basic premise of a tube preamp and

solid state preamp being very different sounding

animals might be a myth too. At one time we had both

preamps tuned and adjusted to be extremely clean

and transparent. One might guess that two transparent

gain stages regardless of the technologies might sound

the same, which was essentially inaudible. We had to

go backward and re-introduce some of the “flaws”

to recreate some of the creative differences that we

all expected. We added some internal jumpers that

essentially un-trim the tube bias trimmer pots that are

tweaked to set up minimum distortion.

Same thing with the IRON control..... So much has

been said about the sound of transformers lately that

many people expect that one component to almost be

responsible for a product’s signature sound - wrong!

Sorry another myth. Most modern transformers are

pretty transparent when used properly.

In fact, we had to use several techniques just to make

the IRON control ‘audible’ including designing

the transformer with unusually low permeability

laminations, driving it with a non-optimum source,

and forcing DC into a tertiary winding to create more

distortions. In other words it was a bit of a fight to make

it audible enough to wrap a control circuit around it.