Demon Fuel Systems 190004 User Manual
Page 4

Figure 4
8. The idle mixture screws should also be removed from the sides of the metering block (Fig. 4).
There is a small cork gasket surrounding each of the screws, and it should also be pulled out of
the recess in the block. The Rebuild Kit comes with rubber o-rings to replace the cork gaskets for
a more positive seal. Some HOLLEY® carbs contain a "reverse-idle" system and a tag is affixed
to the block showing that the mixture is made leaner by rotating the screws counter-clockwise.
This tag should be removed and reapplied after cleaning.
9. The secondary fuel bowl may be removed in the same manner as the primary. However, in
Model 4160
™, the secondary metering plate is held in place by six clutch-head screws and a
special driver is necessary to remove them.
10. The next step is to begin stripping the main body and the choke assembly. Before loosening any
screws, note the position of the adjustment index so that the same setting may be achieved when
the carburetor is reassembled. Remove the 3 hex head screws holding the choke unit to the
carburetor. Rotate the choke out of your way (Fig. 5). On integral hot air chokes, it may be
necessary to scrape away the carbon deposits on the plastic cover.
Figure 5