Demon Fuel Systems 190004 User Manual
Demon Fuel Systems For the car

190003 (Vacuum Secondary) & 190004 (Mechanical Secondary)
– Demon™ Carburetors, Holley 4150™ & 4160™, & BG Claw
Before getting to the actual rebuild, it should be noted that the carbs shown here are
Demon™ Series
carburetors. It may not be identical to the carb on your engine, but it will be very similar. All
and HOLLEY® four barrels (with the exception of the 4360 Q-Jet replacement & 4010/4011), may be
disassembled the same way. A few parts differ here and there, but that doesn't alter the rebuild
You will need the following tools to complete the rebuild:
5/16" nut driver
Standard & Phillips Head screwdrivers
5/8" open end wrench for the float adjusting nut and fuel line fitting on some models (an 11/16"
open end wrench might be required in some cases)
1" socket for the power valve and a 1" open end to remove the fuel inlet adapter fitting
Needle nose pliers will help in removing small retaining clips and pins
Clutch-type screwdriver to loosen the secondary metering plate screws used on Model 4160
carbs (the ones that do not have replaceable secondary jets)
Open end 3/8" and/or a 7/16" wrench to adjust the accelerator pump override spring
1/4” and 9/64 Allen wrenches
Demon™ and HOLLEY® Four Barrels are actually an easy carburetor to rebuild because of their
construction. If you group everything in subassemblies, it is hard to go wrong. When you reassemble
the carburetor, install all of the parts on the metering block, and then set it aside. Do the same with
the fuel bowl, main body, and the throttle body assemblies. When all of the subassemblies are
completed, you will only have six pieces to bolt together to complete the assembly process.
Reassembly is done by simply reversing the disassembly steps. Before installing the carburetor on
the intake manifold, rotate the idle mixture adjusting screws clockwise until they lightly bottom out in
the metering block. Then, turn 1 and ½ turns to get the initial idle setting in the. Also, adjust the