Boonton 4530 Peak Power Meter Service Manual User Manual

Page 34

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Format type, sensor type, month of manufacture, day of manufacture, year of manufacture, serial number,
month of calibration, day of calibration, year of calibration, attenuation, impedance, pulse power bottom of
range, pulse power top of range, CW power bottom of range, CW power top of range.

Except for month, day, and year of calibration there should be NO changes made to the factory
programmed data.

The Bus Mnemonic to load Sensor Data into the sensor is RD-S-DATA followed by an ASCII space
followed by the data string. Commas separate the various elements of the data string and the year of
manufacture and year of calibration are represented by the number (year-1990). The mnemonic and data
string cannot contain any embedded terminators (carriage return (CR) or line feed (LF)) before the end.

The following is a properly composed string to be sent to a sensor:

RD-S-DATA 1,56218,9,19,1,121,2,28,7,0,50,-20.00,20.00,-30.00,20.00 (CR)(LF)

After the string has been sent to the instrument, wait at least two seconds for the data to be written to the
EEPROM before sending any other data over the GPIB.


Different calibration frequencies are often used for the Low and High Bandwidth modes. For some older
sensor models the same frequencies and cal factors may be loaded for both modes. In all cases the
sensor MUST contain a valid set of calibration frequencies and cal factors for both modes. Otherwise, the
sensor will not function correctly in the instrument.


This data is the frequency and associated calibration factors that the Peak Power Meter uses when in the
Low Bandwidth Mode.

This data may be recalled from the sensor by using the Talk Mode Bus Mnemonic TKSSLOW. The string
returned from the instrument will have the following format:

Count, Bottom of Frequency Range, Top of Frequency Range, Freq0, CF0,
Freq1, CF1, … Freq(n), CF(n)

The count is the total number of data elements in the string following the count, which include the bottom
and top of the frequency range, a Frequency of 0 with a associated Calibration Factor of 0, and each
Frequency and Calibration Factor separately. The maximum count is 124 numbers or 60 frequency

The Frequencies MUST be entered in order from the lowest to the highest. The instrument will not
tolerate a frequency out of order or out of range and will terminate data entry.

Frequencies are valid if they are within the specified frequency range and have a format of ##.## with the
implied units of GHz. Calibration Factors are valid if they are in the range of +/- 3.00 with the implied units
of dB.

The Bus Mnemonic to load Calibration Factors for Low Bandwidth into the sensor is RD-S-SLOW followed
by an ASCII space (SP) followed by the data string. Commas separate the various elements of the data
string. The mnemonic and data string cannot contain any embedded terminators (carriage return (CR)
and line feed (LF)) before the end.