Boonton 4530 Peak Power Meter Service Manual User Manual

Page 33

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Appendix: Entering Data into Boonton Peak and CW Sensors

The information supplied in this document is not for general distribution. It should only be used
by qualified calibration and metrology personnel.

Boonton Electronics is not responsible for

measurement errors or operability problems caused by the improper programming of sensors.

This application note describes the procedures to be used to enter calibration data into the EEPROM
memory of BOONTON Peak Power Sensors and the Sensor Data Adapter of BOONTON CW Power
Sensors for use with BOONTON Power Meters.

NOTE: Utmost care must be exercised when changing any of the factory-installed data. Corrupted sensor

data can cause instrument malfunction.

Data loading is accomplished through the IEEE-488 Bus and Model 4400, 4500, 4400A, 4500A, 4500B or
4530 series Power Meter. Data cannot be loaded into the sensor if it is not connected to a BOONTON
Peak Power Meter. It is NOT possible to change one item in a data string without reloading the entire data

The memory of a 56000/57000 series Peak Power Sensor is divided into four data pages:

1. Sensor Data

2. Calibration Factors for Low Bandwidth Mode

3. Calibration Factors for High Bandwidth Mode

4. Sensor Message

CW and Voltage sensor data adapters add an additional page:

5. Shaping (gain) coefficients for each range

These five areas with instructions for loading data are discussed separately below.


To change the data in the sensor EEPROM or sensor data adapter, turn on instrument power and insert
the sensor into channel 1. Connect a GPIB terminal to the rear of the powermeter and verify
communication by sending *IDN? to the instrument followed by a carriage-return (CR) and line-feed (LF).
When addressed to talk, the instrument should respond with an identification string including its model
and serial number.

If a 4530 series meter is being used, set to BOONTON language by issuing the bus command:


Set the instrument’s active channel to channel 1 by issuing the bus command:



This is the data about the sensor that the Power Meter uses to set various operating parameters. Most of
this information is displayed on the screen when the sensor report for a specific channel is called.

This data may be recalled from the sensor by using the Talk Mode Bus Mnemonic TKSDATA. The string
returned from the instrument will have the following format.