English owner’s manual – Bell Bike Faction/Fraction Multi-sport User Manual

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other than as recommended by Bell.


Do not adapt the helmet for the

purpose of attaching accessories, other than as recommended by Bell.


· please exercise care and good judgment whenever you ride. comply

with all traffic regulations and do your part to avoid accidents of any
kind. many accidents happen close to home.

· pretend you’re invisible. Watch carefully for drivers turning in front of

you. Drivers often report that they never saw the bicycle or the rider.

· Don’t ride at night without proper lighting and reflectors. Watch for

parked cars. Doors often open without warning.

You sHoulD alwaYs:
1. Wear your helmet low in the front to protect the forehead.
2. Fasten your buckle and tighten your chin strap.
3. check your adjustments every time you wear your helmet.
4. replace your helmet after an accident, even if no damage is visible.
5. store your helmet in a cool dry place.
6. Wear a helmet designed for what you’re doing.
7. ride safely.
You sHoulD neVer:
1. Wear a helmet that’s been in an accident, even if no damage is visible.
2. Wear someone else’s helmet.
3. Wear your helmet with the buckle unfastened.
4. Wear your helmet tipped back to expose your forehead.
5. Wear anything under your helmet.
6. Wear this helmet while operating a motor vehicle.
7. clean your helmet with chemical cleaners.
8. take unnecessary risks just because you’re wearing a helmet.
Fitting tHe HelMet to Your HeaD
in order for your Bell


helmet to work correctly, it must fit and be worn


oWnEr’s manual

this helmet is intended only for pedal cyclists, skateboarders, roller-
skaters, or in-line skating. it is not designed for motor vehicle use or other
sports. if your helmet bears a cpsc 1203 designation it meets the cpsc
safety standard for bicycle helmets. if your helmet bears a cE 1078
designation it meets the cE requirements of a helmet intended for pedal
cyclists. if your helmet bears an astm designation it meets the specific
safety requirements of a particular stated astm standard.

liMiteD iMpact protection
helmets cannot always protect against injury. Even a very low speed
accident can result in serious injury or death. any helmet subjected to a
severe impact should be discarded and destroyed, even though damage
may not be outwardly visible. since this helmet is made of polystyrene
foam, there is a chance it may be penetrated by sharp objects.

HelMets can’t preVent all HeaD inJuries
some head injuries are not caused by impacts at all, but by other forces.
You can scramble an egg just by shaking it. You don’t have to break the
shell to destroy the contents. helmets cannot prevent this type of injury.

HelMets can’t protect wHat tHeY Don’t coVer
this helmet will not protect the neck or any areas of the head that it does
not cover. it cannot guard against spinal or other bodily injuries that may
result from an accident.

this helmet has a limited life span in use and should be replaced when it
shows obvious signs of wear.

· Do not modify or remove any original component parts of the helmet,