1300 series dryer operation and service, Warranty – Airstream PNEG-343 User Manual

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This manual describes the op-

eration and service for all standard

production 1300 series three fan

grain dryers. These models are

available for liquid propane

Thank you for choosing an Air-

stream Grain Dryer. This dryer is

one of the finest ever built. It is

designed to give excellent perfor-

mance and service for many years.

or natural gas fuel supply, with

either single phase 230 volt, or

three phase 220 or 440 volt elec-

trical power.


Grain Systems, Inc. warrants its

products to be free of defects in ma-

terial and workmanship. The only

obligation of the manufacturer is to

repair or replace components which

have been submitted and found to

be defective within 24 months after

installation. If so found to be defec-

tive, the components will be repaired

or replaced without charge, this con-

stituting and entirely fulfilling the

warranty obligation. Grain Systems,

Inc. assumes no liability for ex-

penses incurred without written au-

thorizations; in no event shall liabil-

ity include special or consequential

damages, or exceed the selling price

of the product.

This warranty does not cover

products or parts which have been

damaged by negligent use, misuse,

alteration or accident. Electric mo-

tors, tires, and other components

supplied by outside manufacturers

have separate warranties, from

those suppliers. This warranty is ex-

clusive and in lieu of all other war-

ranties, expressed or implied. Grain

Systems, Inc. reserves the right to

make design or specification

changes at any time, without any

contingent obligations to purchasers

of products already sold.

All instructions shall be con-

strued as recommendation only.

Because of the many variable con-

ditions in actual installation, Grain

Systems, Inc. assumes no liability

for results arising from the use of

such recommendations. Any alter-

ation in design or operation of any

Grain Systems, Inc. product must be

submitted and approved in writing by

Grain Systems, Inc. before the al-

teration is made.

Airstream Service Technician checks the wiring on a single module grain dryer.