Dryer control panel – Airstream PNEG-343 User Manual
Page 12

bushels dried on the third line. By
pressing the bph/rpm/total bu but-
ton the second line will alternate
between the metering roll rpm's or
the bushel per hour rate. The to-
tal bushels dried reading is the to-
tal since the bushel counter was
last reset. To reset the bushel
counter, press and hold the reset
button for five seconds. Press the
enter button through the date and
time settings, and follow the in-
structions displayed on the LCD for
resetting the counter.
In the batch mode, the first line
of the LCD display tells which timer
is being used, and the second line
switches between total batches,
unload rpm or total bushels. The
third line indicates total dry time,
and the fourth line is time remain-
ing on the timers.
The Electronic Monitoring Control
System continuously checks all
safety circuits on the dryer, and will
automatically shut the dryer down
should a problem occur. The cause
of the dryer shutdown will be dis-
played on the LCD display, and a
beeper will sound on the controller.
To restart the dryer after a safety
shutdown, first correct the reason for
the shutdown, and then press the
dryer power stop button to reset the
circuit. Press the start button.
The Electronic Monitoring Control
System stores in its memory the time,
date and cause for the last 25 dryer
safety shutdowns. To review this in-
formation, hold the reset button in for
five seconds. The procedure for re-
viewing the safety circuit shutdown log
will be displayed on the LCD display.
The load delay is used to delay the
starting of the load auger when the
dryer is unloading to prevent the load
auger from starting and stopping.
The unload delay is used to control
the amount of time the unload au-
ger runs after the metering rolls stop
to allow for auger cleanout. Both the
load and unload delays are set us-
ing the same procedure as the tim-
ers. The aux 1 and aux 2 delays are
presently not being used.
When operating the dryer the LCD
display will show the dryer mode of
operation on the first line, the bush-
els per hour or the metering roll rpm
on the second line and the total
The Airstream Electronic Monitoring Control System showing several different LCD displays.