Status - ip config, Status - ping, Chapter 3 - software reference – Asus USB-N13 User Manual

Page 32: Button

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Status - IP Config

IP Config tab shows all the current host and

Network adapter information including host name,

DNS servers, IP address, Subnet Mask and

Default Gateway.


IP Release: If you want to remove the current

IP address, click this button to release the IP

address from DHCP server.

IP Renew: If you want to obtain a new IP address from DHCP server, click this

button to renew the IP address.

Ping: Click this button to open “Ping” tab which is used to ping the devices in your


NOTE: The IP Release and IP Renew buttons can only be used on the

network adapter that gets its IP address from the DHCP server.

Status - Ping

Click the "Ping" button in Status-IP Config tab to

open this page. The Ping tab allows you to verify

the accessibility of other computers or network


To ping a connection:
1. Key in the IP address of the device you want

to verify in the IP Address field.

2. Configure the ping session by assigning

the ping packet size and number of packet to send, and the timeout value (in


3. Click the “Ping” button.

During the ping session, the Ping button Changes into a Stop button. To cancel the

ping session, click the “Stop” button.

The session field displays information on the verified connection including the

roundtrip time (minimum, maximum, and average) and packets sent, received, and

lost after a ping session.

Click the “Clear” button to clear the session field.


ASUS Network adapter

Chapter 3 - Software Reference

Chapter 3






