HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 118

Safeguard User’s Guide— 422089-009
Glossary -2
primary owner
primary owner. The owner of a Safeguard protection record whose user ID appears as the
OWNER attribute in the record.
PROGID attribute. A security attribute for disk files that contain object code. When
PROGID is ON, the user running the process obtains the privileges of the file's primary
SAFECOM. The Safeguard command interpreter.
Secondary owners. The owners of a Safeguard user or alias authentication record, in
addition to the primary owner, whose user IDs appear as the OWNER-LIST attribute in
the record.
subject. A logged-on user.
TRUST attribute. A performance attribute for program files. Setting TRUST to ME or
SHARED indicates Safeguard that the program file can be trusted to not access I/O
buffers during process execution, resulting in improved performance. The TRUST
attribute is valid only on H-series systems.