HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual

Page 72

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SDR Commands

HP NonStop SQL DDL Replicator User’s Guide 545799-006



used for the replication of DDL operations performed on distributed tables or
indexes, to provide SDR with the description of the RDF network nodes.

RDF-control-subvol is an RDF configuration in the format node[suffix-

primary-node and backup-node are the names of the primary and backup
systems respectively

Specifying NETWORK is not required and is not recommended for RDF/IMPX
installations, where SDR extracts the necessary network information from the
RDF NETWORK configuration.

There is no SDR “master” network node. A complete description of the RDF
network must be entered on every node, both primary and backup.

There can be no more than 31 NETWORK globals.

RDFCONFIG { RDF-control-subvol | DEFAULT }

used to support parallel RDF configurations (most commonly production and
test) that may share RDF protected volumes, to avoid disrupting the specified
RDF configuration (most commonly production).

RDF-control-subvol is an RDF configuration in the format node[suffix-

DEFAULT applies to all RDF configurations that do not have an explicit
RDFCONFIG setting.


The SDR Updater automatically replicates SQL DDL for the specified RDF
configuration, subject to any other control such as HOLD, RELEASE and
so on.

AUTOMATIC is the default.


If a SQL DDL target object (table, index, so on) is protected by an RDF
configuration, the SDR Updater enters a hold state to allow the user to
manually examine and control replication. The user should issue a
CANCEL or EXECUTE command to proceed and restart RDF updating.


The SDR Updater does not replicate any SQL DDL operation for the
specified RDF configuration and restarts RDF updaters immediately when
the RDF updaters stop for the NSA Stop Update generated by SDR.

Note that AUTOCREATECATALOG is not active when NOREPLICATE is

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