Omnimessaging provisioning client user guide – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 39
OmniMessaging Provisioning Client User Guide
Opsol Integrators Inc. Confidential and Proprietary
Instructions to bring up the provisioning system :
1> SQLCOMP the Provserver, Listener and translator objects. The names of the objects are -
2> To bring up the listener, translator and PROV server classes:
a. Through pathcom for the OmniMessaging pathmon, obey srvcfg.
For e.g:
>pathcom $pnim2 ($pnim2 is the OmniMessaging pathmon name)
=o srvcfg
b. For the Prov serverclass, change the MBM^QUEUE^FILE define value to point to appropriate
queue file.
For e.g.
>pathcom $pnim2
=alter server prov-srv, define =MBM^QUEUE^FILE, CLASS MAP, FILE
c. There is a param to the trn -srv serverclass named PMON-NAME. Alter its value to the name of
the pathmon process under which the prov serverclass is running.
For e.g:
>pathcom $pnim2
=alter server trn-srv, param PMON -NAME “$PNIM2”
d. The listener serverclass has four parameters, which should be given appropriate values. They are:
PMON-NAME: The name of the pathmon under which the translator serverclass is running.
TRANS-SVC-NAME: The name of the translator serverclass.
LISTEN-PORT: The tcp/ip port on which the listener is supposed to listen for requests.
LOGFILE-NAME: The disk file to which the listener should log its messages.
For e.g.:
>pathcom $pnim2
=alter server list-srv, param PMON-NAME “$PNIM2”
=alter server list-srv, param TRANS-SVC-NAME “trn -srv”
=alter server list-srv, param LISTEN-PORT “22000”
=alter server list-srv, param LOGFILE-NAME “$data01.omnilogs.listlog
e. Start all the three servers list-srv, trn-srv and prov-srv.
For e.g.
>pathcom $pnim2
=start server list-srv
=start server trn-srv
=start server prov-srv
3> To bring up the Java client:
a. Make sure JRE (Java Runtime) is installed on your PC.
b. Unzip the file on a specific subdirectory on the PC.
c. Specify the subdirectory, in which the client is unzipped, in the classpath.
d. From MS-DOS prompt,
go to the client subdirectory.
Run the client.
For e.g.
c:\nsimClient> java nsimAdmin
The ‘listener port number’ given here should match the LISTEN-PORT param of the