History, History 6-31, Log 6-31 – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 95

SDR Commands
HP NonStop SQL DDL Replicator User’s Guide —545799-005
requests the display of the list of DEFINEs for which HELP is available.
define-name [ USAGE ]
is the name of the DEFINE. HELP displays the syntax and a description of the
If USAGE is specified, Help displays information about the usage of the DEFINE,
otherwise Help displays USAGE as a possible subtopic.
requests a display of the list of all the possible global parameters that can be set
for SDR using the
Lists the saved commands in the history buffer. These commands can be run using the
FC or bang (!) commands.
the number of commands to display. The default is 10. If fewer commands are in
displays the opens by file name. It is the default.
detected deadlock. The command displays a list of transactions and
processes that are participants in the deadlock and prompts the user to
select either a process to abend or a transaction to abort to resolve the
RESOLVE must follow the DEADLocks keyword on the command line.
Collects a history of the SDRCOM session to a file. LOG TO starts the logging process,
and LOG STOP terminates the logging.
TO filename
starts logging to filename.
filename may be a disk file, a printer, or another terminal. If the log file does not
exist, SDRCOM creates the log file as an edit file.
clears the log file of existing data.
LOG { TO filename [CLEAR] | STOP }