HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 124
SDR EMS Messages
HP NonStop SQL DDL Replicator User’s Guide —545799-005
Critical Messages
Cause. SDR DDL capture is configured as REQUIRED, but some error is preventing
SDR replication.
Effect. The SQL DDL statement fails.
Recovery. Correct the cause of the error or change the SDR configuration to make
DDL capture enabled but not required.
Cause. A SQL DDL statement is ready to be replicated, but the SDR updater is in the
hold state.
Effect. SDR and RDF updating are suspended awaiting user input.
Recovery. Either EXECUTE or CANCEL the SQL DDL statement. You may also
RELEASE the updater from the hold state.
Cause. It was not possible to translate a primary SQL object name to a corresponding
name on the backup. Usually due to missing volumes in the RDF configuration.
Effect. SDR and RDF updating are suspended awaiting user input.
Recovery. Determine the missing volume definition and correct the RDF configuration.
Otherwise, CANCEL the SQL DDL replication.
SDR required but impaired by environmental condition
SDR updater in hold state
File translation error