Abocom WU5214 User Manual
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WPA/ WPA-PSK/ WPA2/ WPA2-PSK: WPA-PSK offers two
encryption methods, TKIP and AES. Select the type of algorithm,
TKIP or AES and then enter a WPA Shared Key of 8-63 characters in
the WPA Pre-shared Key field.
Encryption Type: For Open and Shared authentication mode, the
selection of encryption type are None and WEP. For WPA, WPA2,
WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK authentication mode, the encryption type
supports both TKIP and AES.
WPA Pre-shared Key: This blank is the shared secret key between AP
and STA. For WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK authentication mode, this
field must be filled with character longer than 8 and less than 64 lengths.
WEP Key: Only valid when using WEP encryption algorithm. The key
must match with the AP’s key. There are four formats to enter the keys.
• ASCII (64 bits): 5 ASCII characters (case sensitivity).
• ASCII (128 bits): 13 ASCII characters (case sensitivity).
• Hexadecimal (64 bits): 10 Hex characters (0~9, a~f).
• Hexadecimal (128 bits): 26 Hex characters (0~9, a~f).
Show Password: Check this box to show the passwords that have been
802.1x Setting: When users use radius server to authenticate client
certificate for WPA authentication mode.
802.1x tab:
EAP Method:
• PEAP: Protect Extensible Authentication Protocol. PEAP transport
securely authentication data by using tunnelling between PEAP
clients and an authentication server. PEAP can authenticate wireless
LAN clients using only server-side certificates, thus simplifying the
implementation and administration of a secure wireless LAN.
• TLS / Smart Card: Transport Layer Security. Provides for