HP ProBook 5320m Notebook PC User Manual

Page 139

background image

setting MultiBoot Express

prompt 112

System Configuration

menu 124

System Diagnostics

menu 124

Computer Setup utility 113
connecting to a LAN 26
connecting to a WLAN 18
connection, external power 52
connector, power 7
conservation, power 60
cord, power 11
corporate WLAN connection 18
critical battery level 56


deployment, software 113
device configurations 125
device security 96
digital card

inserting 79
removing 80
stopping 80

Digital Media Slot 6, 79
Disk Cleanup software 66
Disk Defragmenter software 66
Disk Sanitizer 124
diskette drive 75

cleaning 120
image, switching 31
screen brightness hotkeys 33

display components 9
DisplayPort, identifying 7
drive light 6, 67
drive media 49
DriveLock password

changing 93
description 90
entering 92
removing 94
setting 91

DriveLock, automatic 124

boot order 108, 124
diskette 75
external 75
hard 70, 75
optical 75

Dual Core CPU 126

changing region setting 45
inserting 44, 76
removing 47, 76

DVD drive 75
DVD region settings 45


earbuds 37
embedded numeric keypad keys,

identifying 5

encryption 17
error log 124
esc key, identifying 5
Execution Disable 125
external audio devices,

connecting 40

external drive 75
external monitor port 42
external monitor port,

identifying 7


File menu 123
fingerprint reader 3
fingerprint reader, identifying 4
firewall 17
fn key 27
fn key, identifying 5
function keys 27
function keys, identifying 5


hard disk drive

external 75
HP 3D DriveGuard 67
installing 70

hard disk test 124
hard drive

external 75
HP 3D DriveGuard 67
installing 70

hard drive bay 8
hardware, identifying 1
headphones 37
Help and Support hotkey 29

exiting 50

initiated during critical battery

level 56

initiating 50


decreasing screen

brightness 33

decreasing speaker sound 33
description 27
displaying system

information 28

increasing screen

brightness 33

increasing speaker sound 33
initiating QuickLock 33
initiating Sleep 32
muting speaker sound 33
opening Help and Support 29
opening Print Options

window 30

switching screen image 31
using 28

HP 3D DriveGuard 67
HP Client Configuration

Manager 114, 116

HP Client Manager for

Altiris 114

HP Connection Manager

software 15

HP Mobile Broadband Module 19
HP Mobile Broadband,

disabled 19

HP QuickLook 3 34, 125
HP SpareKey enrollment 123
HP System Software

Manager 114, 117

hubs 73



network status 14, 24
wireless 14

image, computer 113
interference, minimizing 25
internal display switch,

identifying 9

internal microphones,

identifying 9, 37

Internet connection setup 16

Index 129