LG CU400 User Manual
Page 63

Push to Talk (PTT)
Voice Message: This option allows you to leave a
voicemail instantly. For a message to a contact,
simply highlight the contact on your PTT Contacts,
select Options, and select Voice Message. Pushing
the PTT Key begins the recording. Releasing the PTT
Key ends the recording and deposits your message.
Add Contact: This option allows you to send an
invitation to the contact that the user has selected.
After the person accepts the invitation, he or she will
be listed as an available PTT contact.
Add Group: This option allows you to create a new
PTT group.
Rename: You can edit the name of the individual.
Delete: You can delete the individual.
Copy to Address: This option allows you to copy the
name and number to your Address Book.
New Message: You can send a new text or
multimedia message to selected member.
View Members: This option displays all members of
a group along with their Availability.
Dynamic Call: It is similar to Quick Group Call
however the participants you select from are only
those participants in the group.
Voice Message: This option allows you to leave a
voicemail to a group in your PTT Contacts or select
members from the group. Select the members of
Voice Message and press Ok once. Select the group
to receive the message. Pushing the PTT Key begins
the recording. Releasing the PTT Key ends the
recording and deposits your message.
Add Group: This option allows you to create a new
PTT group.
Leave Group: If you have joined a group originated
by another this option allows you to leave the group
but the group remains intact for all other
Add member: This option displays only when you
have highlighted a group which you have originated.
After adding any additional members, a notification
is sent to the other group participants of the new
group members.
Remove Member: This option displays only when you
have highlighted a group which you have originated.
After removing a member a notification is sent to the