Your phone’s menu – LG LGLX350 User Manual

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Your Phone’s Menu

The following list outlines your phone’s menu structure. For
more information about using your phone’s menus, see
“Navigating Through Phone Menus”on page 22

1. Call History

1. Missed Calls

2. Incoming Calls

3. Outgoing Calls

4. Recent Calls

5. Delete History

1. Missed Calls / 2. Incoming Calls /

3. Outgoing Calls / 4. Recent Calls /

5. All Calls

2. Contacts

1. Find/Add Entry

2. Groups

3. Speed Dials

4. My Information

5. Wireless Backup

1. Subcribe / 2. Alert / 3. Learn More

6. Services

1. Customer Service / 2. Dir Assistance /

3. Account Info / 4. Sprint Operator /

5. Voice Command

3. Messaging

1. Send Message

1. Text Message / 2. Picture Mail /

3. VoiceSMS

2. Text Messages

1. Inbox / 2. Sent / 3. Outbox / 4. Draft

5. Edit Folder / 6. Send Message

3. Picture Mail

Inbox/Sent Mail/Saved Mail/Pending

4. VoiceSMS

5. Chat & Dating

6. IM & Email

1. PCS Mail / 2. AOL / 3. MSN / 4. Yahoo! /

5. Earthlink / 6. Other

7. Voicemail

1. Call Voicemail / 2. Voicemail Details /

3. Clear Icon

8. Premium Content

4. Pictures

1. Camera

2. Camcorder

3. Picture Mail

Inbox/Sent Mail/Saved Mail/Pending

4. My Albums

In Phone/Online Albums

5. PictBridge

6. Order Prints

7. Account Info

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