Usar microsoft sharepoint workspace mobile, Información personal 64, 3 toque actualizar – LG LGC900 User Manual

Page 182: Notas

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Información personal




• Estas notas se almacenan en el teléfono. Como

Microsoft OneNote en la computadora, sus

cambios se guardan automáticamente cuando

abandona OneNote Mobile, como cuando

presiona el botón atrás o de inicio del teléfono.

• Si no escribe un título, la primera línea del texto

de la nota se utilizará como título.

Para sincronizar una computadora
portátil en Windows Live SkyDrive por
primera vez


En la pantalla de inicio, dé un toquecito

hacia la izquierda para acceder la lista de

aplicaciones y luego toque Office .


Dé un toquecito en OneNote y toque


3. If you want to include a title, tap Enter title, and then type a title.
4. Tap below the title, and then type your notes.

5. To undo the last change you made, tap More

> Undo.

6. To redo the last change you undid, tap More

> Redo.


These notes are stored on your phone. Like Microsoft OneNote on your computer, your
changes are saved automatically when you leave OneNote Mobile, such as when you
press the Back or Start button on your phone.

If you don't type a title, the first line of text in your note will be used as the title.

To sync a notebook on Windows Live SkyDrive for the first time

1. On Start, flick left to the Apps list, and then tap Office


2. Flick to OneNote, and then tap All


3. Tap Refresh


4. Tap Yes in the Sync with SkyDrive? message box.

Wait while you're signed in with your Windows Live ID.

Afterwards, a personal notebook named Personal (Web) will be created in
your My Documents folder on Windows Live SkyDrive and synced on your

5. Type your notes.


To ensure that this notebook syncs properly to Windows Live SkyDrive, do not change the
default notebook name from Personal (Web), and don't change the name of the Unfiled
Notes section in the notebook.

Before you can create and sync your default OneNote notebook, a Windows Live ID must
be set up on your phone, and you must accept the End User License Agreement for
Windows Live SkyDrive.

Use Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Mobile



Toque actualizar

3. If you want to include a title, tap Enter title, and then type a title.
4. Tap below the title, and then type your notes.

5. To undo the last change you made, tap More

> Undo.

6. To redo the last change you undid, tap More

> Redo.


These notes are stored on your phone. Like Microsoft OneNote on your computer, your
changes are saved automatically when you leave OneNote Mobile, such as when you
press the Back or Start button on your phone.

If you don't type a title, the first line of text in your note will be used as the title.

To sync a notebook on Windows Live SkyDrive for the first time

1. On Start, flick left to the Apps list, and then tap Office


2. Flick to OneNote, and then tap All


3. Tap Refresh


4. Tap Yes in the Sync with SkyDrive? message box.

Wait while you're signed in with your Windows Live ID.

Afterwards, a personal notebook named Personal (Web) will be created in
your My Documents folder on Windows Live SkyDrive and synced on your

5. Type your notes.


To ensure that this notebook syncs properly to Windows Live SkyDrive, do not change the
default notebook name from Personal (Web), and don't change the name of the Unfiled
Notes section in the notebook.

Before you can create and sync your default OneNote notebook, a Windows Live ID must
be set up on your phone, and you must accept the End User License Agreement for
Windows Live SkyDrive.

Use Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Mobile



Toque sí en el cuadro de mensaje

Sincronizar con SkyDrive. Espere hasta que

inicie sesión con su Windows Live ID.

Posteriormente, se creará una computadora

portátil personal con el nombre Personal

(Web) en la carpeta My Documents en

Windows Live SkyDrive y se sincronizará

en el teléfono.


Escriba notas.



• Para asegurarse de que esta computadora portátil

se sincronice adecuadamente a Windows Live

SkyDrive, no cambie el nombre predeterminado

Personal (Web) de la computadora portátil ni

tampoco el nombre de la sección Unfiled Notes

de esta.

• Antes de crear y sincronizar la computadora

portátil predeterminada con OneNote, debe

configurar una Windows Live ID en el teléfono

y aceptar el Contrato de licencia para usuarios

finales de Windows Live SkyDrive.

Usar Microsoft SharePoint

Workspace Mobile

Con Microsoft SharePoint Workspace

Mobile 2010, puede abrir, editar y guardar

documentos de Microsoft Office que se

encuentren en un sitio de SharePoint 2010

(sitio web que le permite a usted y a las

demás personas compartir y colaborar en

documentos, proyectos, planes e ideas). No

necesita descargar ni instalar nada para

comenzar a usar documentos de SharePoint

y Microsoft Office en el teléfono. SharePoint

Workspace Mobile es parte de Microsoft

Office Mobile 2010 y ya se encuentra en el

centro Office del teléfono.