Water Inc HP-Soft-4 User Manual
Page 13

7. Excessive Water in Brine Tank.
A. Plugged drain line flow control.
A. Clean flow control.
B. Brine valve failure.
B. Clean brine valve.
C. Improper programming.
C. Check programming and reset as needed.
8. Salt Water in Service Line.
A. Plugged injector system.
A. Clean injector and replace screen.
B. Improper programming.
B. Check programming and reset as needed.
C. Foreign material in brine valve.
C. Clean or replace brine valve.
D. Foreign material in brine line flow
D. Clean brine line flow control.
E. Low water pressure.
E. Raise water pressure.
9. Softener Fails to Draw Brine.
A. Drain line flow control is plugged.
A. Clean drain line flow control.
B. Injector is plugged.
B. Clean or replace injectors.
C. Improper programming.
C. Check programming and reset as needed.
D. Line pressure is too low.
D. Increase line pressure (line pressure must be at
least 20psi at all times.)
10. Drain Flows Continuously.
A. Foreign material in control.
A. Remove piston assembly and inspect bore,
remove foreign material & check control in various
12. Loss of capacity.
A. Increased raw water hardness
A. Reset unit to the new capacity.
B. Brine concentration and/or quantity. B. Keep brine tank full of salt at all times. Clean it
yearly. Salt may be bridged. If using a salt grid
plate ensure refill water is over it.
C. Resin fouling. Future fouling.
C. Call Pentair Water Treatment, find out how to
confirm it, clean the resin and prevent.
D. Poor distribution, channeling
(uneven bed surface).
D. Call Pentair Water Treatment. Check distributors
and backwash flow.