Service, Cleaning iron out of the water softening system, Checking for a salt bridge – Water Inc HP-Soft-4 User Manual

Page 11: Breaking a salt bridge, Cleaning the injector and screen, Leaning, Ut of the, Ater, Oftening, Ystem

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Cleaning Iron Out of the Water Softening System

The HousePure Soft system is designed to remove minerals like calcium and magnesium from household water.
Water, Inc. recommends periodic resin bed cleaning if your iron rating is high. Clean the bed at least every six
months, or more if iron appears in the soft water between cleanings.

Checking for a Salt Bridge

A hard crust or "Salt Bridge" can form in the lower half of the salt storage tank. This can be deceiving because the
tank will appear to have plenty of salt, but underneath, salt has hardened and when the system regenerates, water
cannot quite reach this level to be made into brine (water and salt).

Breaking a Salt Bridge

Take a wooden broom handle and carefully push it down into the salt, working it up and down. If the tool strikes a
hard object (be sure it's not the bottom or sides of the tank), it's probably a salt bridge. Carefully break the bridge with
the broom handle. Do not pound on the walls of the tank.

Salt bridges are typically caused by high humidity or using the wrong kind of salt. In humid areas it is best to
fill with less salt, more often. Use only nugget, pellet or coarse solar salt with a purity of 99.5% or higher. DO NOT
use rock, block, granulated, and ice cream-making salts, or salt with iron-removing additives.

Cleaning the Injector and Screen

1) Turn off water supply to conditioner:

a) If the conditioner installation has a “three valve” by-pass system, first open the valve in the bypass line, and then

close the valves at the conditioner inlet and outlet.

b) If the conditioner has an integral by-pass valve, put it in the by-pass position.
c) If there is only a shut-off valve near the conditioner inlet, close it.

2) Relieve water pressure in the conditioner by stepping the control into the backwash position momentarily. Return the

control to the service position.

3) Unplug electrical cord from outlet.
4) Push down on the injector cap. Remove the injector cap clip.
5) To replace injector and screen.

a) Pull the screen and injector throat/nozzle/check ball assembly out of the valve body.
b) Insert a new injector throat/nozzle/check ball assembly; be sure they are sealed tightly. Install a new screen.
c) Apply silicone lubricant to new injector cap seal.

6) Reinstall the injector cap and clip.
7) Return by-pass or inlet valving to normal service position. Water pressure should now be applied to the conditioner,

and any by-pass line shut off.

8) Check for leaks at all seal areas. Check drain seal with the control in the backwash position.
9) Plug electrical cord into outlet.
10) Set time of day and cycle the control valve manually to assure proper function. Make sure control valve is returned to

the service position.

11) Make sure there is enough salt in the brine tank.
12) Start regeneration cycle manually if water is hard.

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