60/100mm concentric extended flue system – Atmos Energy HE26 User Manual
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Mounting 60/100mm horizontal concentric terminal
Note: Mark centre of hole on wall at
100mm above the top of the boiler.
1. Drill hole of diameter 110 mm or larger hole.
2. Cut the terminal to the length required.
3. Slide the terminal into the opening and fit rosettes to cover the opening.
4. Ensure the pipes slope back to the appliance.
An alternative telescopic 60/100 horizontal concentric
terminal is available from Atmos. The flue should be
adjusted to length and the supplied sealing tape applied.
NOTE : Atmos also provide anti-plume kits for use
with the telescopic flue system.
5.5.2 60/100mm Concentric extended flue system
Refer to the Atmos Price List for the full list of flue components.
Table of Atmos 60/100mm concentric flue equivalent lengths
Maximum equivalent concentric length allowed is 10 metres (Note: Includes an allowance for
the terminal; ie the terminal can be ignored from the equivalent length)
60/100mm concentric components
Equivalent concentric length (M) Remarks
bend 1.5
bend 3.0