Electric locking - the assa solution, Access contr ol electric locking – Assa Access Control Electric Locking User Manual

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Access Contr

ol Electric Locking

Electric Locking -

the ASSA solution

Electric locking devices provide the physical security in any access control system,

but the intelligence, monitoring and control are supplied by the other elements.

ASSA manufactures a comprehensive range of security solutions, the details of

which are covered in separate brochures.

Security Systems

The ASSA SOLICARD security systems are powerful and

sophisticated access control solutions. Highly flexible and modular

in nature, they can be tailored to any size of application from single-

door to multiple remote sites.

Reader Technology

The interface between user and system is essential to both security

and ease of use. ASSA access control systems can incorporate all

standard types of credential reader, including magstripe cards,

proximity and hands-free tokens and smartcards.

In addition,ASSA also produces a complete package of mechanical security products

and architectural door hardware. This range includes cylinders and keys, locks,

escape products, door furniture, hinges and door closers.

What can access control achieve for you? It can secure a

reduction in crime and the protection of your premises and

assets, through the monitoring and restriction of people’s

movements. It can make your life easier, and achieve

significant cost savings in the long term. However, no

electronic security solution is effective unless the actual

locking devices holding the doors closed perform to the

required standard. This is potentially the most physically

vulnerable part of the system, and the one most subject to

wear and tear. That is why you need to have complete

confidence in the products you have chosen.

ASSA has been supplying electric locking devices for many

years. Our products have a solid reputation for security,

reliability and high performance. As part of the ASSA ABLOY

Group, we enjoy the support and backing of the world’s

leading manufacturer of security door hardware. The

resources that this enables us to put into research and

development ensure that we remain at the forefront of

technology. All our electric locking products are developed

and manufactured within the Group. This means that they

have been designed from the start to work together

smoothly, and any support you may need – for any part of the

system – is available from a single source.

Selected products from the

ASSA range have been

independently recognised

and approved by SAFE/SSG