American DJ Alpha Moon User Manual
Page 5

Stand-Alone Operation (Sound Active):
This function allows
a single unit to run to the beat of the music. Only use this function when
running a single unit, or when running several units as individuals.
1. To activate the Sound-Active mode, set dip switches #1 and #10,
on the rear of unit to the ON position (See “Master Unit” on the DIP
SWITCH chart on page 13).
2. The unit will now react to the bass sound of music via the internal
3. Adjust the audio sensitivity knob on the rear of the unit to make the
unit more or less sensitive to sound. Turning the sensitivity knob in
the clockwise direction will increase the sensitivity to sound. Turn-
ing the knob in the counter clockwise direction will decrease the
fixture’s sensitivity to sound.
4. The optional MINI/C controller may be used with this function
for blackout.
Master-Slave Operation (Sound Active):
This function will
allow you to link up to 4 units together and operate without a controller.
The units will be sound activated. In Master-Slave operation one unit
will act as the controlling unit and the others will react to the controlling
units programs. Any unit can act as a Master or as a Slave.
1. Using standard XLR microphone cables, daisy chain your units
together via the XLR connector on the rear of the units. Remember
the Male XLR connector is the input and the Female XLR connector
is the output. The first unit in the chain (master) will use the female
XLR connector only - The last unit in the chain will use the male XLR
connector only. For longer cable runs we suggest a terminator at the
last fixture.
2. Follow the chart on page 13 for proper unit dip switch settings.
3. The optional MINI/C controller may be used with this function
for blackout.
4. After all the units settings have been set and are plugged in, adjust
the sensitivity knob on the rear of the master unit to make them react
to sound.
Note: Stand-Alone and Master-Slave operation require
sound to activate! The units will blackout in this mode to
conserve bulb life when there is no sound present.
American DJ Supply
- - Alpha Moon™ Instruction Manual Page 9
American DJ Supply
- - Alpha Moon™ Instruction Manual Page 10
Alpha Moon™ Operation
Alpha Moon™ Controls and Functions Cont.
9. Fuse Holder - This housing stores the 5 amp GMA protective
fuse. Always replace with the exact same type fuse, unless other-
wise instructed to do so by an authorized American DJ service tech-
10. Microphone - This mic receives external low frequencies to trigger
the unit.
11. Audio Sensitivity Knob - This adjust audio sensitivity of the inter-
nal microphone (5). Turning the sensitivity knob in the clockwise
direction will increase the sensitivity to sound. Turning the knob in
the counter clockwise direction will decrease the fixture’s sensitivity
to sound.
Universal DMX Control:
This function allows you to use a
standard DMX 512 controller as the American DJ
DMX Operator™
or Show Designer.™ The use of a DMX controller will allow you to
customize the use of fixtures allowing you to control the rotation direc-
tion as well as the rotation speed. Operating through a DMX controller
gives the user freedom to create his/her own programs tailored to their
own individual needs.
1. The Alpha Moon™ uses one DMX channels, please see page 14
for detailed description of the DMX traits.
2. To run your fixture in DMX mode, plug in the fixture via the
XLR connections to any universal DMX controller. Follow the
set-up specifications that come with the controller.
3. Use your controller to control the various fixture traits.
4. This will allow you to create your own programs.
5. When using a DMX controller and setting up for DMX operation
follow the dip switch settings on page 8. If starting at a higher
DMX channel follow the standard DMX Binary Code for a one
channel unit. See page 6.
6. For help running in DMX operation consult the manual that comes
with your DMX controller.
7. For longer cable runs we suggest using a terminator on the last
Alpha Moon™ Operation