American DJ Tempest User Manual
User instructions, Tempest, American dj

American DJ®
Lamp: ZB-EVD 36V 400W
Power: 110V/60Hz
Optics: High Quality Glass Lenses
Ventilation: Fan Cooled
Working Position: Any
Weight: 53 lbs.
Size: 27.5” x 27.5” x 8.5”
Duty Cycle: 30 min. on 10 min. off
This fixture is fitted with halogen lamps
which are highly susceptible to damage if
improperly handled. Never touch lamp
with bare fingers as the oil from your
hands will shorten lamp life. Also, never
move fixture until lamp has had ample
time to cool. Remember, lamps are not
covered under warranty conditions.
Thank you for purchasing this
A m er i ca n D J ®
product. For your
convenience this lighting effect has
been lamped and is ready to be used,
there is no assembly required.
instructions before installing or
using your new unit.
Operating Instructions:
Unit is ready to be hung or set on the ground.
After plugging in unit, the lights will react to the
music via the sound active internal microphone.
Adjust the sound activation knob on the back of
the unit for desired music sensitivity.
The T e m p e s t™ is a centerpiece effect by
American DJ®, featuring 6 separate mirror units
creating s o l i d and moonflower type beams that
rotate and sweep across a room. The Tempest™
has a low profile design for clubs with low ceilings,
producing 6 dichroic colors plus white. Built-in
programs; gives a mini Terminator type effect. Fan
cooled. 30 ft. remote with blackout feature.
To replace lamp; u n s c r e w k n o b s o n l a m p
replacement hatch on the center front of the
fixture. Replace bulb; reassemble.
For service co ntact your
American DJ®
C a u t i o n !
Always disconnect from main
power before replacing lamps or servicing unit.
Remember to always replace with same lamps
and fuses.
American DJ
User Instructions