UEi Test Instruments RLD10` User Manual
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M a i n t e n a n c e
Periodic Service
Repair and service of this instrument is to be performed by qualified
personnel only. Improper repair or service could result in physical
degradation of the instrument. This could alter the protection from
electrical shock and personal injury this instrument provides to the
operator. Perform only those maintenance tasks that you are
qualified to do.
These guidelines will help you attain long and reliable service from
your instrument:
• Calibrate your instrument annually to ensure it meets original
performance specifications
• Keep your instrument dry. If it gets wet, wipe dry immediately.
Liquids can degrade electronic circuits
• Whenever practical, keep the instrument away from dust and
dirt that can cause premature wear
• Although your instrument is built to withstand the rigors of daily
use, it can be damaged by severe impacts. Use reasonable
caution when using and storing the instrument
Periodically clean your instruments case using a damp cloth. DO NOT
use abrasive, flammable liquids, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents
as they may damage the finish, impair safety, or affect the reliability of
the structural components.
NOTE: Ce rtain soaps may be detected by the RL D 10. Check for sensitivity
b e f o re using any soap, and re m ove as much of the residual as possible
with a damp cloth.
Do not allow moisture to directly contact the speaker just inside the face
of the instrument, or enter the instrument’s housing. Remove the sensor
tip gu a rd prior to cleaning it. Rinse and dry this component thoro u gh l y
b e f o re re p l a c i n g.
Cleaning and Replacing the Sensor
Although the sensor is designed to offer many years of reliable service,
it may become inoperable if it becomes corroded or is otherwise
physically damaged.
You can clean the sensor, once it is disassembled, using denatured alcohol
on the tip assembly and a bottlebrush on the metal tip housing.
*If the power-on indicator is a pinkish-red, the battery is becoming weak
and should be replaced immediately. A low battery will adversely affect
the instrument’s reliability.
Each time the instrument is put into service, you can conduct a quick
functional test. Simply allow the instrument to run through its
self-calibration sequence in fresh air, then expose the sensor to an
uncapped permanent marker (highlighters will not work). The audio
and visual indicators respond as they would if they found a small leak.
Be careful not to touch the marker to the tip, or you will get a false
indication until the ink dries.
Modes of Operation
Your RL D 10 can operate in either high sensitivity or low sensitivity mode.
Begin using your RLD10 with the power/mode slide switch in its
uppermost position. This is the instrument’s most sensitive position.
Move the tip along suspect tubing, seals and fittings at a rate of
approximately 1/2” to 1” per second. When the sensor in the probe tip
detects a refrigerant gas, the tic rate will increase and a corresponding
LED indicator will begin to increase and a higher positioned LED flashes.
To pinpoint the leak, change the power/mode slide switch position
from the uppermost position to the center position. This will decrease
sensitivity, allowing you to get closer to the source of the leak before
a maximum concentration is indicated.
If the situation calls for quiet operation, or if background noise makes it
difficult to hear the built-in speaker, you can use an earphone. The jack
is on the side of the instrument. Note that listening to the earphone is
very loud. Your LED indicators will continue to function as normal.
The LED Indicators
There are four LED indicators along the right side of the instrument.
These indicate the relative concentration of gas detected, and directly
correspond to the tic rate.
When no gas is detected, the LED panel will flash a single green LED
corresponding to the occasional tic. As the sensor moves closer to
the source of a gas leak, the LED that corresponds to the relative gas
concentration will flash each time there is an audible tic. From bottom
to top, the LED’s are green, yellow, light red, and dark red.
P. 2
Tip guard
Metal tip housing
Sensor tip
White plastic
base contact