Introduction, Operating instructions – UEi Test Instruments RLD10` User Manual

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The RL D 10 makes pinpointing leaks as easy as one, two! Detect leaking
r e f r i g e rant using the high sensitivity mode then switch to the low sensitivity
mode to pinpoint its source. If background noise makes the audible tic
hard to hear, you can count on the color scaled LED indicators.

Features include

• Auto zeros when turned on
• LED panel indicates refrigerant leak concentration
• Two position sensitivity selector
• Audible tick rate
• Long Gooseneck probe
• One-hand operation
• Automatically detects all existing refrigerant and blends

Safety Notes

Before using this instrument, read all safety information carefully. In
this manual the word "WARNING" is used to indicate conditions
or actions that may pose physical hazards to the user. The word
"CAUTION" is used to indicate conditions or actions that may
damage this instrument.

NOTE: This instrument intended for use by professionals who know the
h a z a rds associated with their trade. Ac c o rd i n gly, this manual is oriented
t o w a rd gas leak detection, not re f r i ge rant system maintenance.

Some of the latest refrigerant systems use combustible gasses in place
of halogen based gasses. We recommend that you also obtain a quality
combustible gas leak detector, such as UEi’s CD100A to determine and
detect gas leaks when working with unknown substances.


Turn this instrument off before cleaning or replacing the sensor.
Failure to do so may result in a mild electrical shock.

International Symbols

C o n t rols and Indicators

1. Sensor tip guard

2. S e n s o r

3. Gooseneck probe

4. Earphone jack

5. Rubber boot

6. L ED gas concentration indica t o r s

7. Amplified audio gas concentration indica t o r

8. Pow e r - o n - i n d i cator and low battery indica t o r

9. Power/mode slide switch

Operating Instructions

Functional Description
The RLD10 runs through a brief warm-up and self-calibration when it is
initially turned on. Typically, you can observe the following sequence of
events when the unit is turned on in fresh air:

1. The power-on indicator light glows steadily green*.

2. A single audible tic is heard.

3. The panel of light emmiting diodes (LED’s) turn on and off in

sequence; green, yellow, light red, dark red (from bottom to top).

4. The bottom LED (green) flashes for about two seconds.

5. All LED’s except the power-on indicator turn off for approximately

three seconds.

6. At approximately three second intervals an audible tic sounds and

the lowest LED flashes.


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