Allied Telesis Rapier i Series User Manual
Page 23

Page 23 | AlliedWare™ OS How To Note: DHCP Snooping on Rapier-style switches
You cannot work around dropped ARPs from the DHCP server by statically binding the
DHCP server’s IP and MAC address to a port, instead of setting it as trusted. The switch will
not send the DHCP server the DHCP request. The switch will not flood the DHCP request
to any ports other than trusted ones. So although the switch will let the DHCP server send
ARP requests, the DHCP server will not receive any DHCP requests.
Manager > add dhcpsnooping binding=00-50-FC-EE-F5-13 ip= int=vlan1 port=24
DHCPSN_DB: Creating new entry with entryId 3.
DHCPSN_DB: Notifying DB listener: CLASSIFR
DHCPSN_ACL: dhcpSnoopAclListener >> dbEntryPt=0x010caed4 flags=0x00000080
DHCPSN_ACL: dhcpSnoopAclBindingFindByEntryIndex >> finding binding entryId=3
DHCPSN_ACL: dhcpSnoopAclBindingFindGroup >> found 0 items
DHCPSN_ACL: dhcpSnoopAclBindingFindByEntryIndex >> finding binding entryId=3 it0
DHCPSN_ACL: dhcpSnoopAclBindingFindAllByPortNumber >> finding binding portNum=24
DHCPSN_ACL: dhcpSnoopAclBindingFindGroup >> found 0 items
DHCPSN_ACL: dhcpSnoopAclBindingFindAllByPortNumber >> finding binding portNum=20
DHCPSN_ACL: dhcpSnoopAclBindingCreate >> templateId=10001 flowId=0 port=24 num=3
DHCPSN_ACL: dhcpSnoopAclBindingCreate >> created child-3 bindings of templateId1
DHCPSN_ACL: dhcpSnoopAclBindingBinds >> bclassId=20003 portNum=24 entryId=3
DHCPSN_ACL: dhcpSnoopAclBindingBinds >> success, classifierId=20003 flowGroupId3
DHCPSN_ACL: dhcpSnoopAclListener >> NEW, returns=1
DHCPSN_DB: Change state for 00-50-fc-ee-f5-13, in NONE for event LISTENER_OK
DHCPSN_DB: Changed state for 00-50-fc-ee-f5-13, to FULL
Info (1137003): Operation successful.
Manager >
DHCPSN_ARP: [02680e6c] ARP Received on untrusted port 24 VLAN 1
DHCPSN_ARP: [02680e6c] ARP to be forwarded, sender validated
DHCPSN_ARP: [02680e6c] Forwarding ARP at L2 for VLAN 1
DHCPSN_ARP: [02680e6c] Forward ports (except 24)
DHCPSN_ARP: [02680e6c] Tagged:None
DHCPSN_ARP: [02680e6c] Untagged:1
Manager >
DHCPSN_Process: [026ef9ac] DHCP Snooping pkt for VLAN 1 from port 1
DHCPSN_Process: [026ef9ac] Type: REQUEST
DHCPSN_Process: [026ef9ac] On DHCP Snooping non-trusted port
DHCPSN_Process: [026ef9ac] DHCP Snoop forwarding pkt at L2 for VLAN 1 InPort 1
DHCPSN_Process: [026ef9ac] L2 Dest MAC is broadcast
DHCPSN_Process: [026ef9ac] Type: REQUEST, L2 forward to trusted ports
DHCPSN_Process: [026ef9ac] Forward ports (except 1)
DHCPSN_Process: [026ef9ac] Tagged:None
DHCPSN_Process: [026ef9ac] Untagged:None