Allied Telesis SB251-01 User Manual

S i m p ly c o n n e c t i n g t h e wo r l d
Patch Release Note
Patch SB251-01
For SwitchBlade 4000 Series Switches and
AT-9800 Series Switches
This patch release note lists the issues addressed and enhancements made in
patch SB251-01 for Software Release 2.5.1 on existing models of SwitchBlade
4000 Series Switches. Patch file details are listed in Table 1.
This release note should be read in conjunction with the following documents:
SwitchBlade Documentation Set for Software Release 2.5.1 (Document
Number C613-03057-00 Rev A) and Release Note for Software Release 2.5.1
for SwitchBlade 4000 Switches available on the Documentation and Tools
CD-ROM packaged with your switch, or from
WARNING: Using a patch for a different model or software release may cause
unpredictable results, including disruption to the network. Information in this
release note is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Allied Telesyn International. While every effort has
been made to ensure that the information contained within this document and
the features and changes described are accurate, Allied Telesyn International
can not accept any type of liability for errors in, or omissions arising from the
use of this information.
Table 1: Patch file details for Patch SB251-01.
Base Software Release File
Patch Release Date
Compressed Patch File Name
Compressed Patch File Size
71828 bytes