ROTRONIC HygroLab C1 User Manual

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AwE mode:
The HygroLab C1 waits for the full equilibration of the measured product and probe. For most
products, this takes from 30 to 60 minutes. The HygroLab C1 automatically detects equilibrium con-
ditions (humidity and temperature) and ends the measurement at that time by freezing the display.
AwQuick mode:
The HygroLab C1 uses an algorithm to accelerate the water activity measurement and provides a
result in typically 5 minutes. The measurement ends automatically and the display is frozen. When
temperature conditions are stable (both at the product and probe), the value measured with the
AwQuick mode is generally within ± 0.005 Aw of the value that would be obtained by waiting for
full equilibration of the product and probe.
NOTE: See technical paper E-T-AW (Measuring Water Activity) for basic information on water activity
and its applications.
Enabling Aw measurement
To enable the HygroLab C1 to measure water activity:
• Press the MENU key and select Aw Settings. Press ENTER to activate the menu.
• With the Enable Aw menu item highlighted, press ENTER and use the UP or DOWN arrow key to
select ON. Press ENTER to confirm the selection.
• Optional: Use the DOWN arrow key to select the SaveResult menu item and press ENTER. Use
the UP or DOWN arrow key to select either ON or OFF. Press ENTER to confirm the selection
• Use the DOWN arrow key to select the Mode menu item and press ENTER. Use the UP or DOWN
arrow key to select either AwQuick or AwE. Press ENTER to confirm the selection.
• The settings for either the AwQuick or AwE function can be changed after using the UP or DOWN
arrow key to highlight the setting and by pressing on ENTER. Use the UP or DOWN arrow key
to change each digit. Press ENTER to move the cursor to the right. When done, press ENTER to
save the value.
• Press MENU twice to fully exit the menu.
Using the AwQuick mode
The HygroLab C1 uses an algorithm to project the full equilibrium value (water activity) of the
product sample:
1) The value of the humidity signal is constantly monitored
2) The stability of the temperature signal is constantly monitored
3) After an initial period of time („dwell“ time), the humidity data is used to project the end value
of the equilibration process (water activity). The measurement ends automatically as soon as the
projected Aw value is stable. At that time, the HygroLab C1 freezes the display.
The measurement is automatically ended and typically requires about 5 to 6 minutes.
With the default „dwell“ time of 4 minutes, the difference between the AwQuick function and the
conventional measurement method is typically 0.005 aw or less. The value of the „dwell“ time
can be set by the user (see Aw Settings) and is a tradeoff between speed of measurement and
accuracy. Generally, a longer „dwell“ time produces more accurate results but causes measure-
ments to take longer.
The value of temperature shown at the end of the measurement is the average temperature during
the measurement. The HygroLab C1 displays a trend indicator to the left of the temperature value.
This is used to verify that temperature was stable during the measurement.
1. AWQ Reset:
The HygroLab C1 is ready to start measuring all connected probes
When ready to measure, press on the ENTER key.
2. AWQ Dwell:
The measurement is in the “dwell” phase.
3. AWQ Running:
At the end of the “dwell” phase the HygroLab C1 starts projecting the end result
4. AWQ Ended:
When the projection is stable for a probe being displayed, the HygroLab C1 automatically ends the
measurement and freezes the display for that probe. A check mark appears to the left of the water
activity value. In addition the HygroLab C1 can be set with the HW4 software to emit an acoustic
signal (Beep) lasting 5 seconds when the last probe is done. The acoustic signal can be stopped
by pushing a key (do not press the ENTER key). When several probes are connected to the HygroLab
C1, use the UP or DOWN key to view each probe.
imPORTANT: do not press the ENTER key until you have reviewed each probe.
5. AWQ Reset:
Write down the measurement for each probe or use the automatic data capture function. This
function can be enabled from the keypad: MENU > Aw Settings > SaveResult > ON. The Aw value
measured by probe 1 is saved to Data Bin 1. Probe 2 is saved to Data Bin 2, etc.
Press ENTER. The HygroLab C1 is ready to start a new measurement
Technical data (operation)
Number of probe inputs
Probe type:
HygroClip 2 probes
Operating limits at probe:
Depenps on probe model
Operating limits at electronics: -10…60 °C
0…100 % RH, non condensing
Housing material:
ABS, Aluminum
172 x 70 x 220mm
1000 g
General description
Congratulations on your purchase of the HYGROLAB C1 water activity indicator. Please read these
short instructions carefully before installing the device. The detailed instruction manual can be
found on the internet at:
The HygroLab C1 is a multifunction bench-top indicator that can read simultaneously up to
4 HygroClip 2 digital humidity-temperature probes. The HygroLab C1 is primarily designed
for measuring the water activity (Aw) of foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The HygroLab
C1 can also be used in other laboratory applications that require measuring humidity and
Power supply
The HygroLab C1 requires the power adapter model AC1211 (100…240 VAC – 12 VDC, 200 mA).
As an alternative, the HygroLab C1 can also be powered via the USB port. In this case, the Ethernet
port is inactive and cannot be used.
Probe inputs
The HygroLab C1 has 4 probe inputs designed for use with either HC2-AW or all standard HygroClip
2 probes.
Dimensions / connections
The ON/OFF key is used as follows:
• To turn the instrument on: press the ON/OFF key
• To turn the instrument off: press the ON/OFF key
The LC display has a backlight which can be set to be on all the time or whenever a key is pressed.
The backlight can also be disabled. Using the HygroLab C1 MENU > Display Settings > Mode, the
display mode can be changed as shown below:
HygroLab C1 back panel showing the four
probe inputs as well as the USB and Ether-
net ports:
• Changes the probe being displayed
• When the menu is active, use to navigate the menu, make a selection or change a value
• When the menu is active, use to confirm
the selection of a menu item, effect
a change of settings and confirm any
• In the Aw mode, use to start, hold or stop
the water activity measurement function
Activates the internal menu. Press this key
again to go back to the previous sub-menu
or to exit the menu
Turns the instrument on or off
• %RH
• Temperature
• Date and time
3-line display:
• %RH
• Temperature
• Calculated parameter
• No date and time
The display can also be configured to show a trend indicator on each line:
increasing value
decreasing value
stable value
In the event of an alarm the symbol
[ ! ] appears to the right of the value
Frequently used settings
Unit system
Press the MENU key and select Device Settings > Unit Sys. Press ENTER to activate the Unit Sys
menu item, use the UP or DOWN arrow key to change the unit system. Press ENTER to confirm and
press MENU to exit.
The HW4 software can also be used to change the unit system.
WARNiNG: changing the unit system does not change the numerical value of the fixed barometric
pressure used in some psychrometric calculations. Always verify and modify as required the
numerical pressure value after changing the unit system.
Date and time
Press the MENU key and select Time Settings > Date or Time. Press ENTER to activate either the Date
or the Time menu item, use the UP or DOWN arrow key to change the Date or the Time. After each
change, the cursor moves to the right. When done, press ENTER to confirm and press MENU to exit.
To change either the date or the time format, press the MENU key and select Time Settings > Date
Fmt or Time Fmt. Press ENTER to activate either the Date Fmt or the Time Fmt menu item, use the
UP or DOWN arrow key to change the Date or the Time format. When done, press ENTER to confirm
and press MENU to exit.
The HW4 software can also be used to set the clock of the HygroLab C1 to the PC date and time.
Select which probe and/or parameters are shown on the display
Press the MENU key and select Display Settings > Mode. Press ENTER to activate the Mode menu
item, use the UP or DOWN arrow key to select the display mode. Press ENTER to confirm and
press MENU to exit.
Use the UP or DOWN arrow key to change the probe being displayed.
NOTE: The calculated parameter is shown only if enabled for the probe input that is selected
(MENU > Probe Settings).
Practical advice for measuring humidity
The most common source of error when measuring relative humidity is a difference between the
temperature of the probe and the temperature of the environment. At a humidity condition of 50
%RH, a temperature difference of 1°C (1.8 °F) typically results in an error of 3 %RH on relative
humidity. It is always good practice to monitor the display for temperature stability. The probe
should be given sufficient time to equilibrate with the environment to be measured. The larger
the initial temperature difference between the probe and the environment to be measured, the
more time temperature equilibration requires. This time can be shortened, and errors avoided,
by using the probe configuration that fits best for your application. In extreme situations, con-
densation may occur on the sensors when the probe is colder than the environment. As long as
the humidity / temperature limits of the humidity sensor are not exceeded, condensation does
not alter the calibration of the sensor. However, the sensor has to dry out before it can provide
a valid measurement. Non-moving air is an excellent insulator. When there is no air movement,
surprising differences in temperature and humidity can noted over short distances. Air movement
at the probe generally results in measurements that are both faster and more accurate.
Aw measurement
When enabled to measure water activity, the HygroLab C1 automatically displays humidity as Aw
(1.000 Aw = 100 %RH) and offers the following options:
Final Aw projection
Measurement ended
Bench-Top Water Activity indicator
Current humidity value
Current temperature value
Elapsed time, hh:mm:ss
Probe 1 is being displayed
AwQuick mode is
in the dwell phase
Current Aw projection
Average temperature