ProMariner ProMite User Manual
Page 6

P r o M i t e O v e r v i e w
Trouble Shooting Guide
Battery is Not Charging, Red and Green Indicator is “on”
Confirm all charger cables are installed with the correct polarity connections
at each battery, and that all connections are clean and tight.
Reverse polarity
connections will blow output fuse, resulting in no output voltage.
With the charger on, read DC voltage at each battery. If any of the readings
are less than 13 VDC Proceed with the following:
A. Disconnect AC power at the 120VAC outlet.
B. Remove charger cables from each battery.
C. Reconnect AC power and read DC Voltage across each output cable, if
output voltage is approximately 14.1DC the charger is ok and each battery
should be tested with a hydrometer with the charger and engine off to determine
if one or more batteries have bad cells. (batteries should always be replaced
in sets, and always the same type.)
D. If there is no output when trying to read DC voltage check each output fuse
and replace as needed.
If the DC voltage at each charger output is less than 13.0 volts contact ProMariner
for product service.
No Red or Green LED Indicator
Check for loss of AC power at the 120VAC Outlet. Confirm GFCI (Ground Fault
Circuit Interrupter) has not tripped. Check with a meter or 120VAC test light
that AC is present at the end or your extension cord.
Confirm all charger cables are installed with the correct polarity connections
at each battery and that all connections are clean and tight.
With the AC Power removed and the engine off, check the charge level of
each battery with a DC meter or Handheld DC Tester. If there is no charge
level indication for a battery, check each battery with a hydrometer to determine
if it has one or more bad cells. (batteries should always be replaced in sets,
and always the same type.)
If everything above checks out ok, contact ProMariner for product service.
M a i n t e n a n c e
Fully Automatic Charging Overview
When the ProMite On-board Marine Battery Charger is turned on the green
AC power indicator with turn on followed by the red charging LED indicator.
The Automatic Charger will provide the following:
ProMite Charging - Red and Green LED On
During this mode the ProMite will use its available charging amps (as controlled
by temperature) until battery voltage is raised to 14.1 VDC (safe for lead acid or
gel batteries).
ProMite Conditioning - Red and Green LED On
The ProMite will charge batteries to 14.1 VDC to complete charging while
conditioning batteries. Upon completion the ProMite will go to into its
maintenance mode.
AC Power and Charging LED Status Indicators
The ProMite includes two LED indicators as shown below.
Green "AC Power" LED indicator:
When on, the green LED indicates when AC Power is present.
Red " Charging" LED indicator:
When on, the red LED indicates the ProMite is in its Automatic Charging Mode.
When charging is complete only the green LED will remain on.
General Operation
Install your ProMite - Fully Automatic / On-Board Marine Battery Charger to the
guidelines in this manual.
Make sure your charger and batteries are properly vented. Connect your extension
cord with no AC Power present to the ProMite and proceed to plug your extension
cord in at a nearby 120 VAC GFCI protected (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt) outlet.
With your ProMite plugged in properly, it will automatically charge your batteries
while it conditions and extends the life of your batteries. When your not at home
always leave your charger plugged in to reduce sulfate buildup allowing your
batteries to be fully charged and maintained until your next fishing trip.