PEP Filters HMF2 User Manual

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HMF2 Series Filter System

Operating & Maintenance Manual

PEP Filters

• 322 Rolling Hill Road • Mooresville, NC 28117 • 800-243-4583 •

8 of 19

Rev. 041204

do so could result in poor performance and/or personal injury.

11. Backwash the filter. After back washing the filter, check and record the inlet

and outlet pressure gauge readings. The media should be back washed

whenever the pressure drop across the filter (the difference between the two

gauges) reaches approximately 10 psig over starting pressure.

After First Hour Of Operation

1. Open the air relief valve on top of the filter tank. Close the valve after the air

has been purged from the system. Excessive air release represents a leak in

the pump suction piping, and must be repaired. Air accumulation in the filter

tank can result in an unsafe condition due to excessive pressure within the


2. Check the unit for any unusual noise or vibration and contact your local PEP

Representative if noise or vibration occurs.

3. Check unit for any air or water leaks.

During operation, PEP HMF2 filters should be inspected, cleaned and lubricated on a

regular basis. The required services and recommended frequency minimums for

each are summarized on in the Operation and Maintenance Schedule in this manual.

Cold Weather Operation
HMF2 filters exposed to below freezing ambient temperatures require freeze

protection. Installation in a heated indoor space is the best means of preventing the

water from freezing in a filter. Where indoor installation is impractical because of

filter location or space limitations, supplementary heat must be supplied through the

use of electrical heat tape and insulation. The parts of the filter that must be heat

traced and insulated are: pre-strainer tank, pump, piping, valves, pressure switch

tubing, and filter vessel. The unit should be drained when shut down for any period

of time. Refer to the Seasonal Shutdown section of the manual for
