D.3.4 debugging rum step-by-step, Avr2070 – Atmel AVR2070 User Manual

Page 75

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Next open the “Settings” pane under “C/C++ Build”. Select the “GNU Elf Parser”
checkbox, then point both the addr2line and c++filt command to point to the
YAGARTO commands. In this case this was C:\Program Files\yagarto\bin\arm-elf-
and C:\Program Files\yagarto\bin\arm-elf-c++filt.exe respectively.

Figure D-3-7 uTasker Project Properties Binary Parser

Hit OK, and attempt to rebuild the project. Select “Project -> Clean”, and it should
clean and then rebuild the project. View output in the “Console” tab at the bottom right
of the workspace.

The result should be a message printing the size of the resulting ELF file.

D.3.4 Debugging RUM Step-By-Step

An Atmel SAM-ICE can be used to debug RUM on the SAM7X board. Connect the
SAM-ICE to the debug port, and ensure the Segger J-Link tools are installed, along
with any needed drivers.

D.3.4.1 Zylin CDT plugin

Before continuing with the debug tutorial, install an extra plugin for Eclipse. This is
easily done, by using the “Help -> Software Updates..” menu: