Output routing matrix, Analogue outputs, Digital – Audient iD22 User Manual
Page 16: Outputs, Save & load mixer presets, Software features, Saving & loading mixer presets, Saving a mixer configuration, Loading a mixer configuration

Output Routing Matrix
The routing matrix allows you to patch
the following iD DSP mixer outputs to the
physical DAC outputs (1-6) or the optical
digital outputs (1-8 in ADAT mode or 1-2
in S/PDIF mode).
In the above example, DAC outputs 1+2
are setup as a stereo pair fed from the iD
DSP mixer main output. This is the default
main monitor path and would feed your
loudspeakers. The iD mixer main output
passes through all monitor control
functionality (mono sum, polarity reverse,
dim, cut and monitor volume).
DAC outputs 3+4 are set as two mono
paths and fed individually by mono Cue A
and B mixes. In this scenario note that cue
pans controls have no effect
(cue masters are mono summed prior to
routing to the DAC outputs). This would
be used to feed an external headphone
amplifier to provide two mono artist mixes.
Naturally a stereo cue mix could be created
by clicking on the stereo/mono path button
and selecting Cue A or B as a source.
Note the flexibilty here, as a stereo Cue A
mix is feeding the iD22 headphone output
(DAC 5+6). Alternative speakers can also
be set-up here (typically DAC 3+4).
By selecting DAW Mix the iD DSP mixer is
bypassed and signals are effectively ‘hard-
wired’ from DAW to DAC.
Software Features
Stereo or Mono
Path Link Button
Output Sources from either
DSP mixer or DAW direct
(mixer bypass)
Output Destinations
Analogue / Digital
Headphones are
always stereo (5+6)
Saving & Loading Mixer Presets
Mixer presets can be saved and loaded in
two ways:
• Using the buttons at the bottom of the
system panel
• Using standard keyboard shortcuts
• Save:
(⌘) + S
• Load:
(⌘) + O
Saving a Mixer Configuration
Presets can be named when saving
from within the system panel, just
double click the name box to add.
Normally presets are saved in the following
Macintosh HD > User > Library
> Application Support > Audient > iD22 >
However by using the
browse button you can
save preset files to
whichever folder you desire - allowing you
to contain them within your DAW session
folder for example (making recall easier).
Loading a Mixer Configuration
Loading a preset is very simple, just click
on the load button in the System Panel and
select one of your previously named files,
double clicking will also load a preset. To
rename a preset, click to highlight and then
after a pause, click again to rename. To
delete, click to highlight and then click on
the X (delete) button at the bottom.
Software Features