Amerex 05603 User Manual

Page 3

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Persons expected to use this extinguisher should be trained in initiating
its operation and in the proper fire fighting technique. Familiarize all per-
sonnel with this information before an emergency occurs.


Carbon Dioxide extinguishes fires by diluting the surrounding at-

mosphere with inert gas keeping the oxygen level below the percentage
required for combustion. When it is used in an unventilated space, such
as a small room, closet or other confined area, prolonged occupancy of
that space can result in loss of consciousness due to oxygen deficiency.
Avoid skin contact – CO2 is extremely cold and could cause burns or

1. Remove extinguisher from wall hanger or vehicle bracket and move it to

within approximately 6 feet (5 lb.) or 10 feet (10, 15 or 20 lb.) of the fire site.

2. Hold the extinguisher upright, twise and pull ring (safety) pin.

3. Stand back 8 feet (2 1/2 or 5 lb.) or 10 feet (10, 15 or 20 lb.) from the fire and

aim the horn at base of flames nearest you. Hold horn at base hand grip
only—grasping the horn or swivel discharge tube could cause cold burn.

4. Keeping the extinguisher upright, sweep side to side across the base of

the fire and past both edges. Progressively follow up until the fire is extin-
guished. Work the fire away from you while being alert for flashbacks.
Move closer as the fire is extinguished, but not so close as to scatter or
splash the burning materials.

5. When the fire is out, release the valve lever to stop discharge. Stand by

and watch for possible reignition.

6. Evacuate and ventilate the area immediately after extinguishing the fire.

The fumes and smoke from any fire may be hazardous and can be deadly.


2 1/2 or 5 lb – 9 seconds

10 lb – 11 seconds

15 lb – 15 seconds

20 lb – 19 seconds


2 1/2, 5, 10, 15, 20 lb – 3 to 8 feet