Thermo Fisher Scientific Ion Selective Electrodes Lead User Manual
Page 21

Instruction Manual
Lead Electrode
Symptom Possible Causes
Next Step
Out of Range defective meter
check meter with shorting strap
(see meter instruction manual)
defective electrode
check electrode operation
electrodes not
unplug electrodes and reset
plugged in properly
reference electrode
be sure reference electrode
not filled
is filled
air bubble on membrane
remove bubble by re-dipping electrode
electrodes not
put electrodes in solution
in solution
Noisy or
defective meter
check meter with shorting strap
Unstable Readings
air bubble on membrane
remove bubble by re-dipping electrode
or rapidly changing) electrode exposed
soak electrode in lead standard
to interferences
defective electrode
replace electrode
ISA not used
use recommended ISA
meter or stirrer
ground meter or stirrer
not grounded
Drift (reading
samples and standards
allow solutions to come to room
at different temperatures
temperature before measurement
changing in one
complexing agents
check section entitled
in sample
Precipitation and Complexation
incorrect reference
use recommended
filling solution
filling solution
membrane dirty
polish membrane; use
or oxidized
methanol-formal dehyde solution