Processing of samples – Techne Sample Concentrator User Manual
Page 10

Warning - remember high temperatures are dangerous. The heater, insert blocks, sample vessels, needles
and samples may be very hot. Always take the precautions listed earlier in this manual.
1. By turning the carriage handle, on the right hand side, counter clockwise raise the gas chamber to
take the needles well away from the heater.
2. Place the sample vessels in the insert blocks and lower the chamber so that the tips of the needles
enter the test tubes. Position them at the required height above the liquid surface.
3. Set the heater to the required temperature and adjust the gas flow to the desired rate. Remember
not to exceed 2 psi.
4. To increase the rate of concentration the chamber may be lowered as evaporation takes place so that
the needles follow the level of the samples in the tubes. Using the scale on the column fine
adjustments are easily made.
5. On completion switch off the gas flow and raise the chamber out of the way.
6. For operation of the Dri-Block
see the user's manual supplied separately.