Seametrics TX100-200-SERIES User Manual
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Sensors are supplied with 18 ft. (6 m) of cable.
For sensors with no additional electronics, see diagram for color
coding. For sensors with on-board electronics, see the manual
accompanying the electronics module.
Calibration (“K-Factor”).
In order to properly process pulses
from the flow sensor, a number must be entered into the control
to which the sensor is connected. This number, called the K-
factor, is the number of pulses the sensor puts out per unit of
fluid passing through the pipe. It is normally provided for Sea-
metrics sensors in pulses per gallon, and can be ascertained
by using the “K-Factor Calculator” on the Seametrics website.
These numbers are based on extensive testing, which has shown
close agreement between different TX sensors in the same
installation. Most K-factor error can be attributed to installa-
tion variables, such as depth setting and fitting configuration.
It is possible to field calibrate a sensor by catching the fluid
in a measured container and comparing with the number of
pulses recorded. (To record individual pulses, set the K-fac-
tor on the control to 1.00.) This is especially desirable if the
installation has less than the recommended length of straight
pipe upstream of the sensor. For detailed intructions on field
calibration, please refer to the technical bulletin on our website
RED (+) 5-24 Vdc
WHITE (signal)
BLACK (-) Power
18' cable standard