Installation: start up, Adjustments, Calibration – Precision Control Systems 1032 User Manual

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Model 1032

2 of 9

Part No. 5000095-1011-6 6/13/2003


(Factory set to provide zero load voltage when a

zero command signal is applied) The zero

potentiometer is used to adjust the controller to

provide zero load voltage when the command is



(Factory set to provide 100% output with 100%

command) The span determines the load voltage

for a given command input.

Current Limit:

Factory set at 105% of rated current unless ordered

with a specific current limit setting. Counter-

clockwise rotation decreases the point at which

current limit occurs.

The span and zero have been adjusted at the

factory and should require no further adjustments.

If adjustments become necessary, the following

procedures should be used:

(see figure 8 on p. 8 for location of adjustments.)

1. Set the command signal to minimum and adjust

the zero potentiometer until the output is zero.

2. Set the command signal to maximum and adjust

the span potentiometer until the output is at the

desired maximum value.

3. The span and zero adjustments may interact.

It may be necessary to repeat steps 1 and 2.

Note: Loads with variable resistance may cause

the current limiting feature to limit the output of the

controller, which would appear as though the span

is not adjusted properly.

To test for current limiting, rotate the current limit

pot 1 turn counterclockwise. If the load current

decreases, the current limit is controlling the output.

The controller must be mounted on a vertical surface

such that the heat radiating fins are vertical, as

shown in fig. 2 on P.3 & fig. 4 on P.4. The controller

should be located in an environment that will not

exceed 135°F and is free of dust, dirt and moisture.
Figures 6 & 7 on P. 6 show power and control

connections. All wiring must be per local electrical

codes. The supply and load terminals will accept

aluminum wire from #2 to #8 and copper wires from

# 2 to #14.
The control transformer supplied with the controller

provides 24Vac to the circuit. This transformer

must be connected to the same electrical phase

from which the controller and load are connected.

One transformer can be used to operate up to 6

controllers, providing all controllers are connected

to the same phase. (A common installation error is

that of connecting the transformer to a different

phase, or being connected across the SCR module,

rather than from the power supply.
It is recommended that the controller and the load

be protected with fast acting fuses such as the JJN

and JJS, class ”T”, series of fuses manufactured by

the Bussmann Company. See p. 9



Set the command to zero and apply system power.

The load voltage should start at zero and should

increase as the command signal is increased. The

load voltage and current may be measured with any

meter. Because of the non-sinusoidal wave-form

applied by the SCRs, accurate measurements can

only be made with true RMS meters.


Wiring should be installed per local electrical codes.

24 Volts AC must be supplied to the circuit board

from the same phase being controlled.

The transformer supplied with this controller has a

primary voltage close to or at the voltage which the

controller was designed to control.

The wiring from the transformer to the circuit board

may be in the range of 18 to 24 gauge.




10 -14 ga

35 in-lbs

8 ga

40 in-lbs

4 - 6 ga

45 in-lbs

2-3 ga

50 in-lbs

Wire Size

