NOSHOK 1100 Series Differential Pressure Gauge User Manual


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Gauge Inspection:
Please read the pr
the gauge body to insure that this gauge is the same gauge

size, materials of construction, working pressure, di eren-
tial pressure, etc. Inspect for any shipping damage and, if
discovered, report it immediately

Product Design Features:
The NOSHOK 1100 Series is a magnetically coupled,
convoluted diaphragm, di erential pressure gauge. It is
designed for use where particulate matter, carried in the
system media, will not a ect gauge performance, because
there are no close internal tolerances in the sensor cell and
there is total separation between the high (+) and low (-)
sides of the gauge. Designed for working pressures to 3,000
PSIG and low to high di erential pressure from 0-50” H2O
to 0-100 PSID. The high side (+) pressure works against the
diaphragm assembly and the calibrated DP range spring. A
follower magnet, attached to the pointer, tracks the linear
movement of this assembly. The pointer, in turn, indicates
the di erential pressure. The convoluted diaphragm is fully
supported, in either direction, to the rated working pressure
of the gauge.

Gauge Mounting:
This gauge is supplied, standard, for panel mounting. If in-
stalling the 2.5” dial gauge, remove the four (4) bezel screws,
mount the gauge from front to back in the panel, then
reinsert the four (4) screws through the panel and into the
bezel and tighten securely to the panel (Do not over-torque).
If installing the 4.5” dial gauge, mount the four (4) threaded
studs into the back of the dial case, where indicated (Do
not over-torque). Mount the gauge from front to back in the
panel and secure the gauge to the panel with the locking
nuts on the threaded studs. Optional pipe mount kits or wall
mount kits are available. (Note: 2 1/2” gauge cannot be

Gauge Connections:
Standard (2) x ¼” FNPT back connections. Optional connec-
tion sizes and top, bottom or dual top/bottom connection is

If the gauge is not indicating di erential pressure, check to
insure both the high (+) and low (-) side connections have
been properly installed. Check to insure that there is pres-
sure to the high (+) side of the gauge and that there is dif-
ferential pressure across the device being monitored by the
NOSHOK 1100 Series. If the system is being used together with
a three-valve manifold, check to insure that the high (+) and
low (-) valves are in the open position and the equalizer valve
is in the closed position. If, after following these steps with
no positive result, please contact the NOSHOK Customer Service
Department or your nearest NOSHOK Distributor.

Measuring system diagram



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1010 West Bagley Road

Berea, Ohio 44017

Ph: 440.243.0888

Fax: 440.243.3472

E-mail: [email protected]
